11- The Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, gathered when the messenger of An-Najaashi came to them and asked them to come to An-Najaashi’s court. They examined the situation together. This was the way the Muslims consulted each other. In fact, any matter that takes place through consultation is most likely to succeed as it gathers the outcome of many minds. Educational sublimity was apparent in the fact that they did not differ, but rather agreed on one opinion, which was to present Islam according to the way that the Prophet
presented it regardless of the consequences. They all agreed to present Islam with honor and dignity even if this would lead to their destruction.
12- The awareness of the Prophet
matched the events as he assigned Ja‘far bin Abi Taalib, may Allah be pleased with him, to be the leader of the Muslims in the Hijrah (emigration). Ja‘far, may Allah be pleased with him, was also chosen by the emigrant Muslims to be their spokesman before the king in order to confront ‘Amr bin Al-‘Aas, the shrewd man of Arabia. Ja‘far’s personality had certain characteristics that made him the right person to bridge this great gap, such as:
a. Ja‘far bin Abi Taalib, may Allah be pleased with him, was one of the closest persons to the Prophet
as he lived with him in the same house and was the most knowledgeable man among those who emigrated to Abyssinia of the leader of Da‘wah (call) and the master of the Ummah (Muslim nation).
b. To confront An-Najaashi required eloquence, and the Banu Haashim were the best among the Quraysh in terms of status and origin. Ja‘far, may Allah be pleased with him, was among the best men of Banu Haashim. Allah the Almighty selected Banu Haashim from Kinaanah, and selected His Prophet
from Banu Haashim as they were the most eloquent among people and had the best origin.
c. Ja‘far, may Allah be pleased with him, was the paternal cousin of the Prophet
and this encouraged An-Najaashi to trust what he said regarding his cousin.
d. The fine morals of Ja‘far, may Allah be pleased with him, were similar to the morals of the Prophet
and his graceful features descended from his ancestors of Banu Haashim. The Prophet
said to Ja‘far: “You resemble me in features and morals.” Thus, the ambassador to An-Najaashi was a role model for Muslim ambassadors throughout history. He enjoyed the characteristics of Muslim ambassadors: he was a Muslim who sincerely belonged to Islam, he possessed eloquence, knowledge, good morals, patience, courage, wisdom, shrewdness and an attractive appearance.
13- ‘Amr bin Al-‘Aas, may Allah be pleased with him, who was at that stage an enemy of the Prophet
was intelligent and shrewd. Before the entrance and speech of Ja‘far, ‘Amr bin Al-‘Aas had thrown his best argument at An-Najaashi through the following points:
a. He talked about the disorder and dissension that took place in Makkah because of the Da‘wah of the Prophet
. ‘Amr was Makkah’s ambassador and its representative before An-Najaashi, so his words were credible without any doubt as An-Najaashi trusted him.
b. He spoke of the danger of the followers of Muhammad
as he claimed that they may shake the earth under An-Najaashi’s feet as they had done in Makkah. ‘Amr claimed that if it were not for the love of the Quraysh for An-Najaashi and their friendship, they would not have bothered to advise him. He added, “We trust you as you bring our people what is good and our merchants feel safe in your land.” Thus, the least they could do was to return the favor and warn him about this frightening test.
c. ‘Amr bin Al-‘Aas claimed that the most dangerous matter was that the Muslims were disbelievers of the creed of An-Najaashi as, “They do not believe that ‘Eesa, may Allah exalt his mention, the son of Maryam [Mary] is a god. Thus, they neither follow the religion of their own people nor your religion.” They were thus labeled innovators in religion and callers to turmoil.
d. The proof that they had low regard, in his view, for the king is that all the people prostrated themselves to him but they did not. How then could he give them shelter? This was said in order to frighten the king and make him feel that these callers did not respect him as they belittled his status and did not prostrate to him. Thus, Ja‘far, may Allah be pleased with him, had to refute all these false accusations that were made by the ambassador of the Quraysh.
14- Ja‘far’s answers to the questions of An-Najaashi were extremely intelligent and showed superb political, Da‘wah, communicational and creedal skills. He did the following:
a. He listed the flaws of the Jaahiliyyah (pre-Islamic) and presented them in a way that repels the listener so that he would distort the image of the Quraysh before the king. He focused on the bad qualities that could only be eradicated through prophethood.
b. He presented the personality of the Prophet
in this corrupt society that teemed with vice and how the Prophet
was far from all defects and was known for his noble descent, truthfulness, honesty and chastity, thus qualified for prophethood.
c. Ja‘far, may Allah be pleased with him, pointed out the good points and morals of Islam which correspond with the ethics of the calls of the other prophets such as forsaking the worship of idols, truthful speech, rendering back trusts, keeping good kinship ties and good neighborhood relations, forbidding prohibited matters and bloodshed, performing prayers and paying Zakah. Because An-Najaashi and his ministers were deep-rooted Christians, they realized the semblance this message had with that which was sent with previous prophets like Prophet Moosa (Moses) and ‘Eesa, may Allah exalt their mention.
d. He exposed what the Quraysh did to the Muslims because they refused to worship idols and insisted on believing in the message that descended upon Muhammad
and followed his teachings.
e. He praised An-Najaashi for what he deserved to be praised for; that he is a just ruler and people who seek his protection are not oppressed.
f. He pointed out that they chose to seek his protection in order to flee from the oppression of those who wanted to torture them. With these clear and eloquent steps, Ja‘far, may Allah be pleased with him, managed to refute the eloquence of ‘Amr and won the mental support of An-Najaashi, his ministers and the attending priests.
g. When An-Najaashi asked Ja‘far to tell him part of what was revealed to the Prophet
he recited the beginning of Soorah Maryam which was an excellent and most effective choice. On hearing the verses of the Quran, An-Najaashi and his bishops shed tears that wet their beards and holy books. In fact, the choice of Soorah Maryam shows the wisdom and intelligence of Ja‘far, may Allah be pleased with him, the deputy of the immigrants, as this Soorah speaks about Maryam and ‘Eesa, may Allah exalt their mention.
h. The genius of Ja‘far, may Allah be pleased with him, in choosing the right time and subject, as well as an open heart and an emotional charge, helped him to win over the king to his side.
i. Concerning the issue of ‘Eesa, may Allah exalt his mention, Ja‘far’s answer showed his unique wisdom and intelligence as he replied that Muslims do not deify ‘Eesa, but at the same time, they do not slander Maryam as the liars do. Muslims believe that ‘Eesa, the son of Maryam, may Allah exalt their mention, is the Word of Allah directed to Maryam, the pure chaste virgin, and a soul created at a command from Him. An-Najaashi thus declared that he knew no different than what was said by Ja‘far, may Allah be pleased with him, regarding this issue.
j. Muslims did not prostrate to An-Najaashi as they can never equate any one with Allah The Almighty and prostration must only be to Allah The Almighty. However, they do not underestimate the king; on the contrary, they respect him and greet him just as they greet their Prophet
. They greet him in the same manner that the dwellers of Paradise greet each other.
k. Finally, An-Najaashi declared that the Muslims are truthful and that he was certain of this. He firmly intended to help the Prophet
who was receiving the same revelation that Prophet Moosa, may Allah exalt his mention, received. An-Najaashi wanted to protect the Muslims so that this would bring him nearer to Allah The Almighty. He told ‘Amr that he will not be affected by the money, trade or status of the Quraysh, and that he will not be harmed if they cut their relations with him.