In the first part of this article, we addressed the meaning of intercession and the pre conditions before intercession takes place and the different ways that entitles one for such intercession. In this part, we will address the different types of intercession which the Prophet, , is granted,. This intrecession highlights the great mercy which one attains by believing in him,
, and following the religion he came with.
Intercession is a way to show the rank of the Prophet as he, , said:“I am the master of the sons of Aadam on the Day of Resurrection, without boasting (i.e. I am not saying this with arrogance); I will be the first to be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection; I am the first to seek permission to intercede and the first to intercede …” [Ibn Maajah].
Intercession is also the supplication which is saved for the Prophet, , according to the Hadeeth when a man asked him: ‘Why don’t you ask your Lord to grant you kingdom like the one he granted to Prophet Sulaymaan?’ the Prophet,
laughed and said: “Perhaps what I have with Allah is better than what Sulaymaan had. Allah never sent a Prophet but He granted him the chance for an accepted supplication (i.e. honored and responded for). Some requested things during their lives and they received it, others supplicated against their people when they disobeyed them, and Allah destroyed their people (as a result of the supplications) and Allah granted one (accepted) supplication which I saved (for later); it is intercession for my nation on The Day of Resurrection ” [Ibn Maajah].
Other type of intercession:
There are different types of intercession which he will be permitted to do, some in this life and other are in the Hereafter:
First: Intercession for the people at the Day of Account in order for accountability to start: This is the greatest type, by which he, , was favored over all other Prophets and Messengers. There are many narrations that addressed this type, such as the one which was narrated by Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: ‘We accompanied Allah’s messenger
to a banquet. The meat of the forearm was presented to him as he was very fond of it. Allah’s messenger
ate a morsel of it and said: “I will be the master of all the people on the day of Resurrection. Do you know why? Allah will gather all human beings, past and present generation on the same ground so that the announcer may be able to make them all hear his voice and the onlookers may be able to see all of them. The sun will come very close to the people; they will suffer such distress and trouble as they will not be able to bear. Then the people will say to each other: 'Do you see our (miserable) condition? You should look for someone who can intercede for you with your Lord.' some people will say: 'Go to your father, Aadam. ' so they will go to Aadam and say to him : 'You are the father of mankind ; Allah created you with His Own Hand , breathed into you of His spirit ,ordered the angels to prostrate before you and He made you dwell in paradise . So (please) intercede for us with your Lord. Do you see our (miserable) condition?' Aadam will say: 'Today my Lord has become so angry as He has never been before, nor will He ever become after this. He forbade me to approach the tree, but I disobeyed him. (I am worried about) My rescue, my rescue, I am worried about my own self. Go some on else, go to (Prophet) Nooh.' […] (many other Prophet are mentioned till 'Eesa would say) 'Go to Muhammad'. They will come to me and say: 'O Muhammad! You are Allah’s messenger and the last of the Prophet and Allah Has forgiven your past and future sins. (Please) intercede for us with your Lord. Do you see our (miserable) condition?'" Then I will proceed under the Throne of Allah and fall down in prostration before my Lord. Then, He will bestow upon me knowledge of such praises and glorification to Him as He has never bestowed upon anybody else before me. Then I will be addressed: 'O Muhammad! Raise your head. Ask, and your request will be granted. Intercede, and your intercession will be accepted.' So I will raise my head and say: 'My followers, O my Lord! My followers, O my Lord! My followers, O my Lord!' It will be said: 'O Muhammad! Admit into paradise such people as are not subjected to reckoning through the right gate of Paradise. The rest of them will be admitted along with the rest of mankind through the various gates of Paradise'." The Messenger of Allah
further said: "I swear By Him in whose Hand my soul is! The distance between every two sides of the gates of Paradise is like the distance between Makkah and Hajar, or that between Makkah and Busra (Greater Syria).” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Second: Intercession so that the gate of Paradise would be opened: The Prophet, , said: “I will go the gate of Paradise and ask permission for it open, so the gatekeeper will ask:' who are you?' I will say: 'Muhammad', thereupon he will say: 'I was commanded to open to you and no one before you'” [Muslim]. Therefore, the gate of Paradise will not be opened until the Prophet,
, intercedes for it to be opened.
Third: Interceding for some of the believers to enter Paradise without reckoning: In the narration in which the Prophet, , informed the companions about the seventy thousand who will enter Paradise without reckoning, he said to one of the companions who asked him to supplicate Allah to make him one of them: “… You will be one of them" This is by virtue of his intercession,
. Another narration reads: "I asked my Lord to permit me to intercede for my Nation, so He allowed me to admit seventy thousand without reckoning" [Al-Baghawi].
Fourth: Interceding for the Muslims who committed grave major sins: The prophet, , said: “My intercession (in the Hereafter) will benefit those who have committed grave major sins” [Ahmad and At-Tirmithi]. This applies to those who committed such sins but died upon the state of belief. This also entails that those who committed minor sins can also benefit by his intercession,
, if they died upon the state of belief.
Fifth: Intercession for those who deserve to be punished in Hell: This is a type in which he, , for some people whose deeds lead them to be punished, but he,
, intercedes for their forgiveness without punishment. The prophet,
, said: “Yes, I did benefit him. He is in a very mild part of Hell wearing two sandals (of fire) which cause his brain to boil as a result of their heat. His punishment is the least of the people of Hell, and if it was not that for me (interceding for him) then he would have been in the lowest part of Hell” [Al-Bukhari].
Sixth: Intercession for the disbelievers: This is a special exceptional case for his uncle Abu Taalib only, because he defended the Prophet, , and stood by him while he was alive. Al-‘Abbaas Ibn ‘Abdul-Muttalib asked the Prophet,
: ‘Did you benefit your uncle Abu Taalib with anything since he used to protect you?' The Prophet,
, said:“Yes, I did benefit him. He is in a very mild part of Hell wearing two sandals (of fire) which cause his brain to boil as a result of their heat. His punishment is the least of the people of Hell, and if it was not that for me (interceding for him) then he would have been in the lowest part of Hell”[Al-Bukhari].