The story of how 'Umair ibn Wahb, may Allah be pleased with him, embraced Islam is inspiring from many angles. Before he became a Muslim, 'Umair, may Allah be pleased with him, was the "Satan of Quraish", a man filled with malevolence and animosity towards Islam and Muslims. But when Islam penetrated the depths of his heart and soul, he transformed, and from being the "Satan of Quraish" he became one of the greatest supporters and advocates of this religion. 'Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allah be pleased with him, himself said, "By Allah, I hated him more than I hated a pig, when he appeared. But now, I love him more than I love some of my sons."
The moment 'Umair, may Allah be pleased with him, embraced Islam, all was forgiven: his crimes against Islam and Muslims, his hatred for them, and his resolve to assassinate the Prophet, . In a single moment, 'Umair ibn Wahb, may Allah be pleased with him, chose to join the numbers of the Muslims and became one of the Companions of the Prophet,
After he accepted Islam, 'Umair, may Allah be pleased with him, felt that he should redeem himself for all the injuries that he had inflicted on the Muslims before he became one of them. One day he, may Allah be pleased with him, came to the Prophet, , and said, "O Prophet of Allah, I had been doing my best to put out the light of Allah and was fond of hurting the Muslims. I would like you to give me permission to go to Makkah to call them to Allah, His Prophet and to Islam. Allah may guide them; otherwise, I will hurt them in their religion as I used to hurt your companions in their religion."
Ever since 'Umair, may Allah be pleased with him, left Makkah for Madeenah, Safwaan ibn Umayyah, who had conspired with him to assassinate the Messenger of Allah, , was hard put to conceal his glee and excitement. Whenever he entered clubs and places where people would gather, Safwaan would tell everyone that, after a few days, glad tidings would come that would make them forget their losses in Badr. He asked every arriving caravan breathlessly whether they brought news from Madeenah, and was always disappointed when they did not. This continued until one day, he asked a traveler, "Has something not taken place in Madeenah?" The traveler replied, "Yes, a very important matter occurred." Safwaan could hardly contain his delight as he inquired, "What happened? Tell me!" The man said, "'Umair ibn Wahb has embraced Islam, and he is there learning the religion and the Quran!"
Safwaan was shocked at this unexpected report. The day 'Umair, may Allah be pleased with him, returned to Makkah, Safwaan was the first to meet him. As soon as Safwaan saw 'Umair, may Allah be pleased with him, he got ready to attack him, but when he saw that 'Umair was prepared and armed for combat, he contented himself with heaping insults on 'Umair, may Allah be pleased with him. Then he walked away.
'Umair, may Allah be pleased with him, now entered Makkah as a Muslim, though he had left it a few days earlier as a misguided polytheist. He, may Allah be pleased with him, was determined to devote his life to the service of Islam and Muslims. In Makkah, he called people to Islam with moving words and touching speeches. Within a few weeks, multitudes of people were embracing Islam at the hands of 'Umair ibn Wahb, may Allah be pleased with him. `Umair, may Allah be pleased with him, set forth with them in a caravan to Madeenah.
'Umair, may Allah be pleased with him, was setting out to Madeenah for the second time, and he was a changed man. He, may Allah be pleased with him, was reciting the Quran on the back of his she-camel. He, may Allah be pleased with him, was crossing the desert for the third time, but now he was with a long procession of believers praising Allah The Almighty. The former "Satan of Quraish" would later stand by the Prophet, , through battles and difficulties, never wavering in his loyalty and perseverance.
Impact on Character - From Wickedness to Righteousness – I
Impact on Character - From Wickedness to Righteousness – III