8. Abu Qataadah, may Allah be pleased with him:
He was appointed as a leader for a platoon dispatched to Hadrah, in Sha'baan, 8 A.H. He is Abu Qataadah ibn Rib'iyy Al-Ansaari. It is known that his name is Al-Haarith, but Al-Waaqidi, Ibn Al-Qaddaah and Ibn Al-Kalbi argued that his name is An-Nu'maan, and it is said that his name is Amr. There is some difference over his witnessing the Battle of Badr, but he did witness Uhud and the battles afterwards. He was called “the horseman of the Prophet” . He died in Koofah at the time of 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, after he witnessed his battles, and it is said that Ali ibn Abi Taalib, may Allah be pleased with him, appointed him as a ruler over Makkah.
9. Muhammad ibn Maslamah, may Allah be pleased with him:
On the tenth of Muharram, 6 A.H, the Prophet dispatched him at the head of thirty horsemen to Al-Qurt'ah.
10. Qutbah ibn Aamir ibn Hudaydah Al-Ansaari Al-Khazraji As-Silmi, may Allah be pleased with him:
His nickname is Abu Zayd. He witnessed the two 'Aqabahs, and he also witnessed Badr, Uhud and all the battles of the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He carried the flag of Bani Salamah on the day of the Conquest. He was afflicted on the Day of Uhud with nine wounds. In the Battle of Badr, it is narrated that he threw a stone between the two parties and said, "I will not escape unless this stone escapes." He died in the time of 'Uthmaan, may Allah be pleased with him, or during the Caliphate of 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, according to other opinions.
11. Saalim ibn 'Umayr Al-Ansaari, may Allah be pleased with him:
The Prophet appointed him as a leader of a platoon to Abu 'Afak the Jew, who was instigating people against the Prophet
. He witnessed Al-Aqabah, Badr, Uhud, and all the battles of the Prophet
and he died at the time of Mu'aawiyah, may Allah be pleased with him. He is one of the people who cried because they were not able to go to Tabook. It is narrated from Ataa' and Adh-Dhahhaak, on the authority of Ibn Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, that Saalim ibn 'Umayr, may Allah be pleased with him, was one of the people whom Allah The Almighty praised by Saying (what means): {Nor [is there blame] upon those who, when they came to you that you might give them mounts, you said, "I can find nothing for you to ride upon." They turned back while their eyes overflowed with tears out of grief that they could not find something to spend [for the cause of Allâh].} [Quran, 9: 92]
12. Aasim ibn Thaabit ibn Abi Al-Aqlah, may Allah be pleased with him:
He is the grandfather of Aasim ibn 'Umar ibn Al-Khattaab from the side of his mother and was one of the first forerunners from the Ansaar. He witnessed Badr, and protected the rear of the army. The Prophet sent him as a head of a scouting platoon. They moved until they reached an area between Makkah and Usfaan, but the people of Bani Lahyaan followed them and killed Aasim and seven of his companions, and captured the other three and sold them.The Quraysh sent some people to take the head of Aasim, but Allah The Almighty protected his body by sending bees to surround him. At night, Allah The Almighty sent a flood that carried his body away.
13. Abdullaah ibn 'Ateek Al-Ansaari Al-Khazraji, may Allah be pleased with him:
Abu 'Umar said, "I think he witnessed Badr," but they agreed that he witnessed Uhud, and he is the one who killed Abu Raafi' ibn Abi Al-Haqeeqi with his hands. When he killed him, he fell from the stairs, due to his weak eyesight, and his legs were almost broken. When he went to the Prophet, he touched his leg and it was cured and he said it was as if he did not ever have any cause to complain of it. He died a martyr in Al-Yamaamah, 12 A.H, and it is said that he witnessed Siffeen.