All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and messenger.
Your husband has wronged you by telling you of his intention to divorce you in order to take another wife in such an unbecoming manner. Verily, such a thing hurts the woman’s feelings and causes her to be mentally distressed for no expected benefit. On the contrary, it brings about absolute evil and harm.
There is no problem in supplicating Allaah to make your husband keep you as his wife and change his mind about marrying that woman. There is no specific supplication for that purpose. You may simply supplicate Allaah with your own words (that are within your ability). This includes the supplications that are recited at times of sorrow and grief in general. For instance, Abu Bakrah narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “The supplication to be said by a person afflicted with grief and distress is, ‘Allaahumma rahmataka arju fala takilni ila nafsi tarfata ‘ayn, wa aslih li sha’ni kullah, la ilaaha illaa ant (which means: O Living, O Sustainer of all existence ! In Your Mercy I seek relief; rectify for me all of my affairs and do not leave me to myself, even for the blink of an eye. None is worthy of worship but You).'” [Abu Daawood, An-Nasaa’i and Ibn Hibbaan - Ibn Hibbaan: Saheeh (sound) - Al-Albaani: Hasan (good)]
Moreover, Anas ibn Maalik reported that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said to his daughter Faatimah
: ‘What prevents you from listening to my advice to you? Say on the onset of every morning and evening, “Ya hayyu ya qayyoom, bi-rahmatika astagheeth, aslih li sha’ni kulah wa laa takilni ilaa nafsi tarfata ‘ayn (which means: O Living, O Sustainer! In Your Mercy I seek relief; rectify for me all of my affairs and do not leave me to myself, even for the blink of an eye. None is worthy of worship but You).” [An-Nasaa’i in Al-Sunan Al-Kubra, Al-Bazzaar and Al-Haakim who said: This is an Saheeh Hadeeth that is in compliance with the criteria for a sound Hadeeth set by Al-Bukhari and Muslim] Also, Al-Albaani classified it as Saheeh in his book As-Silsilah As-Saheehah.
On the other hand, if you thought that it is most likely that your husband has been affected by a magic spell, you may ask him to recite the Ruqyah or look for someone to recite it over him. Please refer to Fataawa 88660and 82918 about Ruqyah.
Lastly, we would like to highlight two points:
First, divorce is disliked if done without need. Some scholars even deemed it forbidden and asserted that in principle divorce is forbidden without a need for it. Please refer to Fatwa 87786 and divorced their wives">104995.
Second, polygyny is permissible in Islam for men who can observe justice in their relationships with their wives. In fact, polygyny is full of many benefits in this worldly life and the Hereafter. For further information, please, refer to Fataawa 90132 and 86818.
Allaah Knows best.