The family in general and the wife in particular is a precious trust and great responsibility that a Muslim must shoulder and never neglect. In this matter, just like in all others, the Prophet, , is an example for all husbands in the way he
treated and nurtured his wives.

The Prophet would teach his wives supplications and the mention of Allah The Almighty:
The Prophet, , also taught his wives designated mentions of Allah The Almighty, such as how to seek refuge in Allah The Almighty from evil, etc. Once, he,
, saw the moon and said to ‘Aa’ishah
: “O ‘Aa’ishah! Seek refuge in Allah from the evil of this, as it is (what is referred to by) 'The evil of darkness when it settles.' (referring to Quran: 113: 3]).”He,
, was pointing to the moon, as it is an indicator of the approach of evening, during which many evils can take place.
The Prophet would teach his wives to fear Allah The Almighty:
The Prophet, , would run back and forth, in and out of his house, whenever he felt the wind and saw the clouds forming, and signs of disturbance would appear on his face. Once ‘Aa’ishah
said to him when he did so, “People rejoice upon seeing the wind (and clouds) while I see you do what you do (i.e., become disturbed).” He,
,responded: “O ‘Aa’ishah! What assurance do I have that it will not be one of punishment? Allah has punished earlier nations with the wind; when these people felt the wind (and saw) the clouds approaching, they said, 'This is a cloud bringing us rain!’”Thus, a Muslim must always fear Allah The Almighty and His punishment.
The Prophet would make his wives accustomed to worship:
The Prophet, , would train his wives to wake up at night to perform the voluntary night prayers, by waking them up himself. Moreover, his teaching was not limited to prayer, as he,
, instructed ‘Aa’ishah
to spend in charity, saying: “Do not hoard, otherwise, Allah will withhold from you.”[Al-Bukhari and Muslim] He,
, thereby taught her not to restrict her spending in charity and to be extremely generous. This shows how keen he,
, was to instruct his wives in recommended matters and not just regarding mandatory matters or prohibitions.
Prophet Muhammad: The Ideal Husband – II
Prophet Muhammad: The Ideal Husband - III