There are 2029 articles

  • Report: Racism becoming more widespread in France

    Racism has increased among French people according to an annual report by the French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) on the fight against racism. The report released Tuesday said 35 percent of surveyed French people acknowledged being racist comparing to 29 percent in 2012. Nine percent among them said they are "quite.. More

  • Spite

    Spite is a heavy burden that the person carries which results in his own misery, occupies his thinking, ruins his mind and adds to his grief and anxiety. The strange thing is that ignorant people insist on carrying this heavy evil load, until they satisfy their ego and take revenge from the one whom they hate and envy. Spite eats much of the virtue.. More

  • Beating the Child

    “My children do not listen to anything I say. What should I do? Although I know that it is a wrong method, I usually scold and beat my children. I usually feel angry with them and then with myself. I can not bear this type of life; there must be another solution.” With these words, the sighs of the hopeless father who beats his children.. More

  • Seeking shelter in Iraqi Kurdistan

    Holding her son's death certificate in one hand, Layla Awad explained that she had been provided with basic aid but struggles financially after the men in her family were killed in November. "Both of my sons are dead but I have not been given their pension yet," she said. Awad's two sons and husband were killed in an attack in Fallujah,.. More

  • The mother of my child

    I'm not a mother. But I've been blessed with a great one for almost a quarter century. That's education enough, at least for one thing: Choosing a partner who embodies the top four qualities I believe a mother must have to help their Muslim children, in the words of the Quran (which mean), {"He made her grow in a good manner…"} [Quran.. More

  • The significance of obedience to parents

    Islam builds a family in which prevails mutual respect and care. Parents and children in Islam are bound together by mutual obligations and reciprocal arrangements. Allah Says (what means): “…No mother should be harmed through her child, and no father through his child…” [Quran 2: 233] The Quran has made it compulsory for.. More

  • Why Drugs are Prohibited in Islam

    The objectives of Islam include preserving the religion and the human soul, honor, mind and wealth. Any substance or act that harms any of these five matters is considered unlawful in Islam. The enemies of Islam and humanity have fought against this religion, and have attempted to distance Muslims from their religion using different means. Allah The.. More

  • Palestinians forced to demolish own homes

    For the past two months, Hamzah Abu Terr has slept on the floor of his home. He gave his bed to his three small children whose room he was forced to destroy earlier this year, to avoid large demolition fines issued by the Israeli municipality. "I had no choice," said Hamzah, sitting on the couch at his home in East Jerusalem next to his eldest.. More

  • Does Hijab Prevent Social Development?

    People who are impressed with modern civilization believe that the Hijab (Islamic covering) is a sign of backwardness that prevents women from development and hampers their creativity and individuality. According to them, the Hijab is an obstacle that prevents women from progressing in the spheres of personal and social development. We ask these people:.. More

  • Egypt's human rights situation is going from ugly to uglier

    Egypt's deteriorating human rights situation in the past three years has had something of a boiled frog effect to it - things have gotten worse just gradually enough that the country's unfolding problems have been pushed to the margins. But the severe abuses meted out to Egyptian citizens are crushing any hopes of a pluralistic, truly democratic society.. More

  • Displaced Syrians battle for online lifeline

    Yousef sat on the navy couch with his arms wrapped tightly around his legs, and rocked back and forth. It's a position he has become all too familiar with over the past year. He turned on his laptop and waited fitfully for Skype to load. "Without Skype I wouldn't be able to be in touch with my family in Aleppo," he said in his living room.. More

  • Crimean Tatars refuse to participate in referendum

    As Crimea’s parliament has voted to officially recognize the Tatar language to guarantee proportional representation in the republic’s legislative, the Crimean Tatars still refuse to participate in the referendum, which could have the region join Russia. According to the new act, the Crimean Tatar National Assembly and its bodies will be.. More

  • Iranian Sunnis complain of discrimination

    In a recent speech made in Iran's southern city of Bandar Abbas, President Hassan Rouhani asserted that his government has promised equal rights to Shia and Sunni Iranians. But human rights groups claim that Sunni Muslims' rights are being systematically violated in Iran. New York-based Human Rights Watch has said Iran's authorities discriminate against.. More

  • The stage of patience – II

    Just as disobedience is the reason behind all forms of misery and wretchedness, patience with disobedience is the reason behind all forms of success and superiority. It is the patience of those who love Allah The Almighty and know His might and majesty. It is the patience of those young people beset by desires and evil objects that are beautified for.. More

  • The stage of patience - I

    Allah The Almighty describes His closest allies and beloved ones with a quality. Do you know what it is? Allah The Almighty praises those who have this attribute in the best way. Do you know what it is? Allah The Almighty promises those who have this virtue with the greatest reward. Do you know what it is? You will immediately recognize this trait.. More