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There are 2030 articles

  • The spread of Islam in Southeast Asia

    The actual timing and introduction of the Islamic religion and its practice to Southeast Asia is subject to debate. European historians have argued that it came through trading contacts with India, whereas some Southeast Asian Muslim scholars claim it was brought to the region directly from Arabia in the Middle East. Other scholars claim that Muslim.. More

  • Al-`Izz Ibn `Abdus-Salaam

    Al-`Izz Ibn `Abdus-Salaam, may Allah have mercy on him, was one of the most famous characters of the seventh Hijri century (13th century. AD). He was a learned scholar with deep knowledge of Islamic sciences such as Jurisprudence and Prophetic narrations. He was also a great writer who authored valuable books. These were not the only reasons which caused.. More

  • The truth about Prophet Muhammad

    Loving him is following him Muslims all over the world are deeply hurt by the recent caricatures of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, in Danish and several other publications. Every now and then, some Western media outlets provoke Muslims by insulting the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. The baiting often.. More

  • Year 2015 termed 'deadliest for refugees' crossing sea

    The year 2015 was the deadliest on record for refugees trying to reach Europe by sea, with 3,771 deaths recorded in the Mediterranean alone, the International Organization for Migration said on Tuesday. The Mediterranean was followed by Southeast Asia, mostly in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea, Malaysia and Thailand, which saw at least 800 deaths this.. More

  • Sincerity and Its Fruits - II

    If a servant strives against himself until he does not care about life and the praise and commendation of people and dedicates all his worship to Allah The Almighty, he will be one of the people of sincerity whose every action, word, love and hatred is for the sake of Allah The Almighty alone. The inward and outward actions of such a person are purely.. More

  • Sincerity and Its Fruits-I

    Allah The Almighty has created all of creation to worship Him, and He sent Messengers to people so they would worship Him alone with no partner. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): • {And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, [being] sincere to Him in religion} [Quran 98: 5] • {And We sent not before you any messenger except.. More

  • 'Aa'ishah: the mother of the believers

    When the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, (may Allah exalt his mention) emigrated from Makkah to Al-Madeenah he was accompanied by Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, ('Aa'ishah's father) who had the most knowledge about the Quraysh -- both the good and bad aspects. He was a well-known honorable merchant to whom people came to seek.. More

  • Syria: More than 21,000 killed in 2015

    The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) said in a Monday report that 1,793 people were killed in December. The group said that this year’s death toll now stands at 21,179 – 75 percent of whom were killed by the Assad regime. The London-based NGO documented 15,748 deaths by regime forces, including 12,044 civilians. At least 2,592 of.. More

  • Israel held 5,000 Palestinians in ‘admin detention’ in 10 years

    Over the past decade, Israel has used its administrative detention policy against 3,761 people in the occupied territories and Israel, according to research by the Knesset’s state control committee. The research, which was conducted at the request of Israeli-Arab lawmaker Basel Ghattas, revealed that the policy was used 4,691 times between 2005.. More

  • Priceless Gems: Advice for Women from the Prophet

    • The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "If a woman performs the five (obligatory) prayers, fasts the month (of Ramadan), maintains her chastity and obeysher husband, it will be said to her (on the Day of Judgment), 'Enter Paradise from whichever gate you like'." [Ibn Hibban] [Al-Albani: Saheeh] • The.. More

  • The best generations were the best to their parents

    The early generations of Islam were the forerunners of the Muslim nation since they excelled in all aspects of the religion: in their acts of worship as well as their etiquette and manners with the people around them. They were especially devoted to their parents, as Aa،ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, recalled, "Two of the Companions of.. More

  • 'Palestinian children live in trauma without end'

    Ismail Abu Shebab, a shy 11-year-old taking a break from school, opened his mouth to speak - but the overhead roar of Israeli warplanes made his words nearly inaudible. As the aircraft came closer, Abu Shebab grew silent. Abu Shebab suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of Israeli bombing during the 2014 Gaza war. "We.. More

  • Explanation of Soorah (Chapter) Al-Falaq

    The Soorah In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful: Allah Says (what means): "Say: 'I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak. From the evil of that which He created. And from the evil of darkness when it settles. And from the evil of the blowers in knots. And from the evil of an envier when he envies.'" [Quran 113:1-5] Explanation.. More

  • The Battle of Mu'tah

    Relations between the Muslims and the Romans were strained, for the Romans together with their Arab allies used to aggravate and provoke the Muslims by any means. This was particularly apparent in their frequent attempts to attack the Muslim merchandise coming from Ash-Shaam (Greater Syria) and the plundering of the caravans threading their roads, not.. More

  • Caution against apathy - II

    Causes of apathy There are many causes of apathy and they vary in importance. Some of them are: insincerity in performing deeds, ostentation, and a lack of religious knowledge that makes one ignorant of the reward of deeds and the virtues of patience. Also, being attached to this worldly life and forgetting the Hereafter, perhaps because of obeying.. More