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There are 2038 articles

  • The Prophet's Hajj

    In the tenth year of the Hijrah, or 632 AD, the Prophet Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) set out for Makkah to perform Hajj. This time about 100,000 believers accompanied him. This pilgrimage is commonly known as the Farewell Hajj (Al-Hajjathul Wida'a). It was during this time that he explained the rules of Hajj and gave his famous speech, known.. More

  • Cruel exile for Syrian Palestinians

    Life in overcrowded refugee camps of Lebanon is proving difficult for Palestinians fleeing Syria. "We are discriminated against here. The Palestinians think we take their jobs and other things. But you see, here, we have nothing. We don't feel welcome." The Palestinian refugee from Syria sits in the single small room she occupies with her.. More

  • Riba (Usury) in Islam

    Definition: The word used for 'interest' in the Quran is Ar-Riba, an Arabic word which means 'excess.' In Sharee`ah (Islamic Law), it is the measure of excess in one thing when two things are exchanged in some bargain; or in the case of a loan, an increased amount of the loan at the time of its payment. In Islam, dealing with Riba is one of the.. More

  • The essential pillars of marital life

    Marital happiness is a dream that all husbands and wives have had since the beginning of time and many spouses are still trying to fulfill this dream through all possible means. Nevertheless, being away from the true teachings of Islam and sound prophetic guidance has led them to confusion between the different means: Western and Eastern. However, when.. More

  • Little change for Bangladesh factory workers

    What once was her right arm is now just a stub lying limp next to her torso. She sits with a far-away look in her eyes and a sad smile. Morium Begum was working inside Rana Plaza when it collapsed, in what has been dubbed the deadliest garment factory accident in history. "I was stuck in the rubble for three days," said the 30-year-old. "There.. More

  • Adoption in Islam

    According to the Sharee'ah (Islamic law), there is no legal adoption. It is prohibited for a person to legally adopt a son or a daughter of whom he is not the biological father. If a person adopts a son or daughter, the Sharee'ah will not confer on the adopted person the status or rights of a biological son or daughter. According to the Quran, one cannot.. More

  • Hardness of Heart

    The hard heart is that which contains a mixture of harshness and toughness; a heart that is void of submission and the sense of turning to Allah The Exalted in repentance at all times. This is the severest punishment ever. This is why the disbelievers are punished with having a hard and harsh heart. Maalik ibn Deenaar, may Allah Have mercy upon him,.. More

  • UN: Syrian refugee numbers cross two million

    More than two million Syrians have now fled their war-ravaged country, according to the UN refugee agency, marking the nearly 10-fold increase from a year ago. In addition to the two million Syrians living as refugees, another 4.25 million people have been displaced within the country since the regime crackdown began in March 2011, UN figures show. "Sy.. More

  • Be a Logical and Motivating Parent

    Father: I told you to clean your room.‎ Child: But I don't know how to do that! Father: I said clean the room! Don't you understand? Does ‎this need any explanation? ‎You are old enough and you ‎can do this by yourself. If you clean your room, I will buy you ‎whatever you ‎like. ‎ Child: ‎Really, Dad? ‎ Father:.. More

  • Survivors describe horrors of gas attack

    The early-morning barrage against opposition-held areas around the Syrian capital immediately seemed different this time: The rockets made a strange, whistling noise. Seconds after one hit near his home west of Damascus, Qusai Zakarya says, he couldn't breathe, and he desperately punched himself in the chest to get air. Meanwhile, in opposition-held.. More

  • Unrest in Egypt spells trouble for Gazans

    Visiting the Gaza Strip to join his Palestinian family during the Eid holiday has proven to be an unwise decision for Wael Salem, a 24-year-old engineering student. He didn't know he was putting his academic studies in Sweden at risk. Salem is stuck in Gaza because Egypt has closed the Rafah crossing point, the Palestinian enclave's main gateway not.. More

  • Israel prisoner release sparks re-arrest fear

    Palestinians fear many detainees scheduled for release will only have a brief taste of freedom. Dalia Hatuqa Last Modified: 12 Aug 2013 15:17 Listen to this page using ReadSpeaker Email Article Print Article Share article Send Feedback In 2011, 1,027 Palestinian prisoners were freed in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit [AFP/Getty Images] Ram.. More

  • 'Family size' protests at Egypt's Rabaa al-Adawiya

    Life hasn't settled down in Egypt, the state going through the most important days of its history. Egypt's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) has left behind 36 days of demonstrations at Rabaa al-Adawiya Square which has become the center of attention of the world recently. Crowded groups, at times exceeding millions, are determined to continue their.. More

  • A new life in Aleppo amid snipers, missiles and explosives

    One of the most memorable objects from the Bosnian war two decades ago was the sign that said "Pazi Snajper" (Watch out, sniper). Hundreds of Bosnians were killed by snipers up in hidden posts around Sarajevo. Dozens of people collapsed in streets, shot dead silently. It was the "sniper death," which struck suddenly, coming out.. More

  • Kids listen to our every deed

    How many times have you told your kids to change their clothes/brush their teeth/do their homework/or anything else for that matter? There is really no right answer because there is really no limit to the number of times we have to ask our kids to do something. For most of us, this is a normal part of our daily lives. We ask, and ask, and ask, and.. More


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