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There are 2030 articles

  • Building the Child's Moral Strength - II

    Importance of a role model in building morals: Dear person who assumes the upbringing process, Anas ibn Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, who lived with the best role model in terms of morality, narrated how he had experienced this in the character of the beloved Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ). Anas, may Allah be pleased with him,.. More

  • Combating Fear Among Our Children - I

    After the party Dr. Ahmad and his family returned home after a long party in the house of a family friend on the occasion of the children's success. Exhausted, the parents entered their room to sleep. Not wanting to sleep, both Hasan and Husayn, young twins, sat in their room and played and laughed in a disturbingly loud voice which annoyed their.. More

  • Diseases rife amid Syria drug shortages

    Water-borne diseases are spreading in Syria, compounding the problems of hospitals that are perilously short of medicine and doctors after nearly two years of fighting, the World Health Organization says. The country's health ministry has run out of trauma treatments made in factories in opposition areas to help the increasing numbers of burn victims.. More

  • Syrian town begins a return to civilian life

    Asem Halaq sits in a war-damaged, colonial-era building in central Azaz and looks at the pile of dossiers stacked atop his desk. Just down the road in Aleppo, war is raging. Yet here in Syria's relatively safe opposition-controlled north, a semblance of normality is taking hold and civilian-organized judicial systems are beginning to emerge. In the.. More

  • Israel's 'Great Book Robbery' unraveled

    Documentary sheds light on large-scale pillaging of books from Palestinian homes in 1948, when Israel was founded. Rasha Al Barghouti takes a few steps towards one of several large bookcases in her Ramallah home, treading slowly just four months after having hip replacement surgery. She takes out a thick blue book, and opens it to a bookmarked page,.. More

  • France’s War in Mali: Neo-imperialist grab dressed up in “war on terror” rhetoric

    By Finian Cunningham France’s intervention in Mali is simply this: a neo-imperialist power grab dressed up in “war on terror” rhetoric. Since the old colonial power began bombing the West African country on 11 January, the Paris government has wrapped its actions up with chivalrous language of saving the region, Europe and indeed.. More

  • The Terrors of the Day of Resurrection - III

    The crushing of the earth and the blowing away of the mountains Allah Almighty tells us that on the Day of Judgment, when the Trumpet will be blown, this stable earth of ours, with its strong and heavy mountains, will be crushed with a single crushing, as Allah, the Exalted, Says (what means): {Then when the Horn is blown with one blast. And the earth.. More

  • The Terrors of the Day of Resurrection-II

    Length of that Day Almighty Allah Says (what means): {The angels and the Spirit [i.e. Jibreel (Gabriel)] will ascend to Him (Allah) during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years. So be patient with gracious patience. Indeed, they see it [as] distant. But We see it [as] near.} [Quran70: 4-7] The context of these verses clearly indicates.. More

  • The Terrors of the Day of Resurrection - I

    Evidence of the enormity of the terrors of that day The Day of Resurrection will be a Day of tremendous significance and immense horror, the like of which mankind will never have seen. Allah Almighty clarified the enormity of its terrors in many verses. 1) Allah, the Most Exalted, described that Day as being great. His description of it as such is.. More

  • UN: Prisoners still tortured in Afghan custody

    Afghan authorities are still torturing prisoners, such as hanging them by their wrists and beating them with cables, the United Nations said, a year after it first documented the abuse and won government promises of detention reform. The latest report shows little progress in curbing abuse in. The report released Sunday also cites instances where.. More

  • Syrian town takes strife in stride

    The center of Salkeen in northern Syria looked deceptively normal, just a day after the town came under lethal regime air strikes. Shops were open for business. Residents strolled through the main square. Children could be seen playing in the narrow streets. Yet a closer look at the streets of Salkeen revealed the brutal scars of war. Away from the.. More

  • EU urged to ban Israeli settlement products

    The European Union (EU) must impose a total ban on Israeli settlement products entering its markets and ensure that Israeli companies operating in the occupied Palestinian territories are not benefitting from EU-Israel trade agreements, according to a new report. "Given that trading in settlement goods amounts to a form of recognition and supports.. More

  • Children's Names: Between Destruction and Construction

    Islam greatly cares for the Muslim child and the creation of the units of sound upbringing from which he grows and is nurtured and which contain all the factors of righteousness which help the child to be righteous and pious as Allah The Almighty ordered His slaves. Such care encompasses everything that contributes to the righteousness of the child,.. More

  • The Concise Presentation of the Fiqh of the Sunnah and the Noble Quran

    There is no doubt that there is a considerable shortage in the books of Fiqh (Theparticulars of Islamic jurisprudence) in the English language. The need is so big, almost any time an additional book found its way to the market, it became an immediate success. This should not, however, be construed to mean that Fiqh is an easy subject to write about... More

  • Moral Power and Building the Child's Morals - I

    To develop the proper conduct of the child, you should teach him the duties that he has to do, and this takes place by being a role model and by sound upbringing and guidance. The child will not learn to be truthful except from a truthful educator. The child will not learn honesty except from an honest educator, and so on. The father who picks up.. More