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There are 2030 articles

  • Out of Guantanamo, into an Egyptian jail

    As parliamentary elections begin in Egypt, Reprieve's Life After Guantanamo team is working against the clock for the luckless Egyptian ex-Guantanamo prisoner Adel al-Gazzar, now re-imprisoned in Cairo. Like that of most Egyptians, Adel's future hangs in the balance, as does his liberty, and everything depends on whether Egypt is indeed moving towards.. More

  • On self-examination

    In the Quran, Allah Says (what means): {We will set up the scales of justice for the day of resurrection, and no soul shall be treated unjustly at all. And if there is [even] the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it forth. And sufficient are We as accountants.} [Quran, 21:47] Allah also Says, (what means): {Let every soul see what it sends on.. More

  • 'Bugsplat': The Ugly US Drone War in Pakistan

    This weekend, Pakistan ordered the closure of the US drone base after a US attack killed 26 Pakistani soldiers near the Afghan border. This news will be welcomed by the people of Waziristan, where communities have borne the brunt of the "collateral damage" of the US covert drone war. But for many, this decision comes too little too late. For.. More

  • Women Travelling Without Mahrams

    How strong is your belief, Muslim sister, in the Hadeeth (narration) wherein the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Let no woman travel except with a Mahram (non-marriageable men).”? [Ahmad and Al-Bayhaqi: Authentic chain of narrators] Chaste sister, do not be deceived by some strange indulgent opinions that are not founded.. More

  • Financial Rights of Women

    In Islam, greater financial security is assured for women. Women in Islam have been given more financial security, as compared to the men. They are entitled to receive marital gifts, to keep present and future properties and income for their own security. No married woman is required to spend a penny from her property and income on the household. She.. More

  • The Under-Examined Story of Fallujah

    Seven years after the U.S. invasion of Fallujah, there are reports of an alarming rise in the rates of birth defects and cancer. But the crisis, and its possible connection to weapons deployed by the United States during the war, remains woefully under-examined. On November 8, 2004, U.S. military forces launched Operation Phantom Fury 50 miles west.. More

  • Discover the Reality of: {And you will never be able to be equal}

    Some people may think that there is a contradiction between the two noble verses in which Allah The Almighty says (what means): · {And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four.} [Quran 4:3] and · {And you will never be able to be equal [in.. More

  • Confusion clouds run-up to Egypt elections

    The streets of Egypt are teeming with the telltale signs of an upcoming election. Campaign posters fill the once-barren spaces on the sides of buildings, and billboards featuring the faces of candidates vying for a role in the new Egypt loom over the crowded streets of Cairo. However, what many residents of the capital say is missing is a clear understandin.. More

  • The rights of the husband upon the wife

    The rights of the husband upon his wife are greater than the rights of the wife upon her husband for the simple reason that Allah, the Almighty, stated in the Glorious Quran what means: “…And due to the wives is similar to what is expected of them, according to what is reasonable. But the men have a degree over them [in responsibility and.. More

  • Free Syrian Army grows in influence

    The attack by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) on an air force intelligence base in the suburbs of the capital Damascus on November 16 has raised the profile of the band of army deserters, who are seeking to end President Bashar al-Assad’s long rule. Depending on whom you believe, the group is believed to number between 1,000 and 25,000. What is certain.. More

  • Deported Palestinians describe prison ordeal

    Hazem Asili, from the West Bank, was 25 years old when he was jailed by Israel in 1986. Abdelhakim Hnaini, also from the West Bank, was 27 years old when he was incarcerated in 1993. On October 11, a deal was brokered exchanging 1,027 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel for Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier captured in 2006 by Hamas. Asili and Hnaini.. More

  • Millions of aborted girls imbalance India

    Modern medical technology - specifically ultrasounds for determining the baby's sex - coupled with Indian ancient social values which give preference to boys, mean that hundreds of thousands of girls are never being born. There were only 914 girls for every 1,000 boys under the age of six in India, according to the 2011 census, compared with 927 for.. More

  • Palestinian families await prisoner exchange

    One thousand and twenty-seven Palestinians for one Israeli - this is the deal made between Hamas and Israel last week. The agreement has been dubbed "the Shalit swap deal" - named after Gilad Shalit, the 25-year-old Israeli soldier who has been held in the Gaza Strip for more than five years - and will see Palestinian prisoners released in.. More

  • Let Those who have Dead Hearts Rejoice - II

    Reflect on the meaning of the following Hadeeth (narration). The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "There was among the people who came before you a man who killed ninety-nine persons. Then he asked about the most knowledgeable person on earth, and was directed to a monk, so he went to him, told him that he had killed ninety-nine.. More

  • Let Those who have Dead Hearts Rejoice - I

    I can no longer feel it. It is certainly inside me, but I have not felt it for so long now. In fact, I do not know when, where or even how it happened. What I know now is that I do not feel it. I have lost it. It was inside me. I truly felt it. Nevertheless, it has died. I remember when it was alive and energetic. I felt then that I was alive... More