بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
كثيرا ما تصلني رسائل عبر الإيميل من أشخاص من إفريقيا يدعون فيها أن لديهم بعض الأموال ولا يمكنهم سحبها وبحاجة إلى شخص لكي يحولوها له لكي يقوم بسحبها مقابل عمولة يتفقون معه عليها ونحن نخشى أن تكون الأموال من نتائج بيع المخدرات أو غسيل الأموال، ماهو حكم هذا النوع من العروض وإليكم مثال Dear One, I am Miss Justine Mantoro., the first duarther of late Mr, Oliver Mantoro the former rebelle suponsour leader in bouake west cost of cote d i'voire .I discoverd that my father deposited the sum of the sum of (5.500 000) Five million five hundred Thansand Million USA dollar in a security firm here in Abidjan ,and now i am in hiding in one of the city in Abidjan called Yopougoun .Due to infertility nature of my country politicaly,
I wish to invest this money In your country. I also plead you help me on the investment part of the business, You have a free hand of operation.
I will like you to send to me your telephone so that i will discuss with you in person so that i will send the name of the security firm to open contact with them for withdrawl of the consignment to move it to your country for investment will like you to send to me your telephone so that i will discuss with you in person so that i will send the name of the security firm to open contact with them for withdrawl of the consignment to move it to your country for investment.. The money is in the position of a security company as a family tresure. A legal process will take place to ensure mutual transfer. .All effort made to the successful of this transaction will highly be appreciated. I hope to get a favourable reply in due curse.We can negotiate on the terms of assistance.I wait for your reply أرجو الجواب باللغة العربية، وشكرا حتى أستفيد ويستفيد غيري، وجزاكم الله ألف خير، والهدف عندي فقط هو الحصول على الأجر لأن هناك الكثير من الأشخاص المستعدين للتعاون معهم وأنصحهم بالتريث، لذا أرجو الإجابة بسرعة ؟
وشكرا .