My marital contract was concluded to a novice, young man and he paid me neither the advanced nor the deferred portion of the dowry. Nevertheless, it was stated in the marital contract that he paid me a golden lira as an advanced and deferred portion of the dowry. When my father asked him to provide me with some clothes as well as some of the bride's.. More
My husband said to me that if he had a relationship with a woman other than me, then I would be divorced. He already had relationships with other women and every time he swears by divorce that he had no such relationships, lying to me. Am I divorced or not? If yes, how many times?.. More
I am leading a happy marital life with my faithful and pious wife. I do not need to marry another woman. But if I married a spinster, divorcee or widow out of sympathy and compassion, is it permissible to make a condition that she waives her right in just treatment regarding some matters, including clothing, adornment and overnight stay? I will treat.. More
I visit my fiancée at her family's house. I sit with her in an open salon where other members of her family freely come in and pass before us but they do not sit with us. Is this considered a meeting of a couple in private? Is it a must that one of her Mahram men sits with us? Please advise. May Allaah Reward you.
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What is the Islamic ruling on a marriage of coercion when the man is compelled as his fiancée resorted to the police station as a means to exercise pressure over him to marry her, and he actually marries her while her guardian claims that she is a virgin but she is not?.. More
I am married and have four children, and I lead a happy and warm marital life. One day, we started receiving phone calls from a strange woman who pretends to know me and she asked to meet me. I refused to meet her, but she visited my wife and offered her a big sum of money if she accepted her as a co-wife. What should I do, given that she keeps bothering.. More
I have already concluded my marriage contract but delayed consummation for a year in order to be able to cover the costs required. Sorrowfully, I was embroiled in a dispute with my father and mother-in-law. Now, I want to divorce my wife. What should I do?.. More
I have a 3-year-old daughter whom I want to teach the true teachings of Islam. Can I bring a Shaykh to teach her? How could this be done? Is she still too young to learn? What is the appropriate time to teach her?
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What is the Sharee‘ah ruling concerning paying the dowry a month or less before concluding the marriage contract so that the woman may buy her needs if she is in shortage of money?.. More
I have been married for five years and doctors told us that my husband is sterile. Am I entitled to seek divorce for I yearn to be a mother? Note that my husband already knew of his infertility problem before our marriage but he did not inform me. What is the Islamic ruling on this regard? I am confused about claiming divorce, however, our marriage.. More
We are four sisters. Our father died and a man, who is not among our relatives, provided for us and we have lived with him since we were very young. Now we are all married. Is it permissible for us to expose our adornment before him, given that we all wear Hijaab and he is an old man? .. More
I said to my wife, while in a state of fury: “You are unlawful to me,” so as to tease her. Am I held guilty for that?
Is she is lawful to me, for we still live together?
Please answer me as soon as possible... More
My husband forsook me thirteen years ago, and divorced me five years after he left me. A year ago, I decided to marry, and then he contacted me to inform me that the divorce deed is forged and he has not divorced me yet. From the religious point of view, is it permissible for me to marry (and have relations with my new husband), with the knowledge of.. More