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5673 fatwas

  • Child support and visitation rights of ex-wife

    Asalamu Aleikum Ok, question is the following my husband recently divorced his first wive and he was paying child support for his two kids, but then he took one of his kids to the doctor and they told him that his son did not have insurance, so he said that he lived with us and they stoped the child support for one of the kids, so his ex wive told.. More

  • Should she tell her daughter's future husband that she is illegitimate?

    My daughter was born out of wedlock before i accepted islam she is also a muslim in the process of getting married to a muslim man.Do we have to tell her future husband and his family about this?My daughter is so embarresed and hurt about the whole situation.Would her marriage be valid? .. More

  • Her husband criticizes Sharee’ah and wants her to work

    Assalamu Alaikum Dear Sheikh, jazakhallah for answering my previouse quetion about my husband who use the bank interest & not paying his zakaa, missing prays,listening to music,getting angry only when remiding of islam... since I asked him to pray properly becuse thiking that might correct him.. he is asking me to find a job.. in order to show.. More

  • Your parents have no right to marry you off to a man you do not approve of

    my parents want to marry me, but they don't ask for my choice or conditions for chosing/looking /searching for a suitable life partner. I fear that they will chose a materialistic person (maybe a person who follows bid'ah). In either case I can't refuse my parents request because I have younger sisters who also will seek to get married after me. I.. More

  • Embracing Islam makes a wife unlawful for her non-Muslim husband

    eight years back i come to know a non muslim lady who was married and having 2 kids.she converted to islam and was asking me to marry her...i was not sure though that i loved her so much and she loved me.she had already done tubal ligation and i am never married...last year she got out side of her non muslim home and was asking me to marry her...i.. More

  • A second wife’s right to have children

    Assalamu allaikkum, i am very much disturb and without peace for the past 1 year cos i married a non muslim widow as my second wife. aleady i am having a elder wife with two kids. i am a middle class familyman with lots of responsibility. My second wife is also having a 8 years boy. She wants a baby from me. i dont like to have one more already i.. More

  • The obligation of wearing the Hijab

    I am a religious Muslim woman and I fast and pray and comply with all the teachings of the Sharee’ah (Islamic law), except the Hijaab (Islamic covering) because of the nature of my work. Am I committing a major sin? Will I be deprived of the mercy of Allaah The Almighty and from Paradise?.. More

  • Highlighting the status of woman in Islam

    Assalamu Alaikum We are living in a time that the opponents of Islam spreading wrong information about the freedom of women in Islam. But I am amazed to notice that wherever in the world occures any communal problems, the Muslim women are abused and molested by the opposite community but the Muslims are rarely doing the same to the women of other.. More

  • Abandoning marriage for fear of bad children

    is it compulsory / obligatory to have children after marriage. my friend's wife wants to have children, but my friend doesn't. he says that he fears lest his children come out to be disobedient towards him i.e. not carrying out what he commands them to do. moreover he feels no need of having children, & wonders why do people give them birth. he.. More

  • Justice between wives does not mean to love them equally

    assalam alikum. i've been married for 7years but till now i dont have no children due to my wife's medical problem. i would like to know if it is permissible for me to make a second marriage,knowing that i can't treat both my wives equally , as i would always love my first wife more. and i plan to keep them in separate countries, i would live with.. More

  • Dowry of a wife who is proven guilty of adultery

    i divorced my wife after i found out she had relations with another man and become pregnant with his child,its been i year since and i havent yet paid her dowry,is she still entittled to it?.. More

  • Her brother’s wife refuses to live with in-laws

    Assalamu Alaikum Wrwb This is for my brother.He is married for 11years now,has 1son and 1 daughter.Last year they moved to Canada.His wife from the beginning of marriage was not very friendly and warm with either husband nor in-laws.Sometimes she would disobey her husband.How ever things moved as my brother was very patient with her. After reaching.. More

  • Her husband plans to study abroad and leave her with his parents

    I am working part time in an EPC company and have a seven months old baby boy.We live with our in-laws and my husband is their only son. We are married for last one and a half year. My husband has planned to go in Europe for two year studies. During this period, I have to stay with in-law and have to financialy support to myself and our baby and may.. More

  • Marriage between a Mahdavi man and a Sunni woman

    Is marraige between mehdawi muslim boy and sunni muslim girl valid or valid? Some people say its valid because both girl and boy believe in ALLAH SWT as one and only god..but theres who say such marriage is invalid.plz give ur opinion.. More

  • He said to his wife “I am not your husband anymore”

    alsalam alikoom I have a question and need to know the answer. my husband has been seperated from me for 6 years. I have not seen him because he went to another state and left me and his 2 girls. he gave me a divorce last year in egypt without my present.and within the three months period I tried to reconcile back with him and he took me back all.. More