I was divorced more than ten years ago. I used to travel to a daughter of mine living in an Arab country. Is it permissible for me to have a marriage contract with someone (a sham marriage) in order to be able to have a permanent residency in this country and perform Hajj? What is the ruling concerning this type of marriage?.. More
I am a young woman. Allaah The Almighty has bestowed a great favor on me by enabling me to memorize the Quran at the hands of my female teacher in a center for memorizing the Quran. I decided to be a teacher of Quran for young girls. However, I have been told that I am required to pass an examination in order to assume this job and that the members.. More
A young American man wants to marry me. At the beginning, he told me that if he is convinced about Islam he would become a Muslim, otherwise he would remain a non-Muslim. Now, he is convinced about Islam. Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to marry such a man? Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a Christian man who has converted to Islam?.. More
It is the custom in Egypt that when two people are married, the husband has to sign a document declaring that all the furniture in the newly-weds’ house belongs to the wife. My husband promised to do so before our marriage, but he has not fulfilled his promise yet. What is the Sharee’ah (Islamic law) ruling on this case? .. More
I am a 31-year-old single woman. My social status is as follows: My father is 77 years old and he is partially paralyzed. My mother is 67 years old and she cannot move. My sister suffers from schizophrenia and her two daughters are orphans. A good but sterile man has proposed to me. I, as well as my family, need a man to live with us. He is ready.. More
Is it permissible not to have a marriage banquet if holding it would lead to religious violations such as intermixing between men and women, illegal exposure of women's adornment, singing, and so on?
Can I make up for this by slaughtering a sheep for example and distributing the meat among my relatives and the poor people?
May Allaah reward you... More
What is the Sharee’ah (Islamic law) ruling on intermixing between the sexes in family meetings while girls adhere to the Sharee’ah-approved Hijaab (Islamic covering)? It happens that male and female cousins meet together in family gatherings. Please advise us. May Allaah reward you... More
A father forced his son to marry his cousin and he unwillingly agreed out of obedience to his father. Seven years after they were engaged, the son did not accept to oppress his cousin and told her the truth. She then supplicated Allaah The Almighty against him and his sisters. Keeping in mind that he did not want to oppress her by marrying her, will.. More
Assalam alaikum Is it permissable to refuse my husbands call to bed if he practises coitus interruptos without my approval? I want children and he is refusing me my right. JazakAllahkhair.. More
asalam, my question is, me & my wife stayed togetther in saudi for a period of 7 months, very offten we use to quarrel each other becouse of family indifferences, in there family her sister, her aunt are of bad character. i was not allowing her to talk to them.one day my wife decided to leave me alone in saudi & left me alone. infact i tried.. More
assalam alaikum; I am not sure where to begin...I have been married for more than 15 years...when I got married I thought to myself I will not just look for a beautiful wife but she should have other qualities too. since the begining i felt that she was not the right person for me...but I felt maybe time and patience will fix things...I have mashallah.. More
aslamu alkum could i get answer for this question my husband divorced in few months before then he married another christain lady he live with her now days he want to keep me as a second wife ... is it allow for islam ? he have one christain wife and he is not folow even prayer on proper time ... he is not follow other islamic rulles also this circumstance.. More
There are some Christian schools where nuns teach and a strict code of conduct is observed in such schools. Female Muslim teachers teach Islam and there is a female Muslim inspector. The Nuns are not racists and they do not teach Christianity to Muslim students, who are the majority there. Is it permissible to send my children to such schools?.. More