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5673 fatwas

  • Troubled marriage ended by divorce still troubled

    I was married to a guy and I spend three worst years in my life with him and two years ago I left my house to my parent house, we had divorced by Australian law but he refuse to divorce me by Islamic law, I don't want to go back to him and I want Talaaq, because someone want to marry me, what can I do? According to Shariah, after certain time.. More

  • Is it compulsory to inform the fiancée about the disease?

    For marriage, if a male or female was on psychiatric pills for a year or two. Is it important to tell the other family about it? .. More

  • Daughter's name

    My daughter name is HUSNA SAHER, is this good name and can I continue with this name? I will be grateful to you if you can know me as well as possible. May Allaah bless you and give you a reward for your work... More

  • Thinks he may have to renew his marriage because he was not praying before the wedding

    I have been married for the last 4 years with a lovely wife and daughter Hamdu Lillaah, but I have a big problem which keeps tormenting me and making my life hell, when I got married (Aakd Al-Nikaah) I was not praying but my was (I only started praying on the day I consumed my marriage--3 days after the Aakd Al Nikaah). I heard lately that I must.. More

  • Wife insists he manipulates her vagina with his finger

    I'm a new married man. My wife wear Hijaab, I'm Muslim, in our sex relation she was so late to get the pleasure which make me irritated because I get very tired. She always insisted on me to put my finger in her vagina (badr), 15 minutes, I ask if she is ill (Borod Jinsi) if so what can we do, there are some medicines. She get angry with.. More

  • Son refuses to attend sister's wedding party because of sexes mixing

    My son refuses to go to his sister wedding party, because their shall be both male and female in the wedding, this is causing a big crack in our family, I the father cannot accept my son any more if he dose not go? .. More

  • Woman Covering her Entire Body (face, hands, feet)

    Must a woman hide her entire body, even her face, hands and feet? .. More

  • Covers her face to please her father

    I would like to know is it important to cover my face because my dad insists me to cover my face but for his happiness I do it in front of him. But behind him I don't because I feel it uncomfortable and I also know in Islam its important u cover your body and hair. I wear Burqah and Hijaab always. Just covering my f ace is a problem. Please my.. More

  • Wife wants divorce claiming he is sexually weak

    I get married last month from woman 46 years-old, she is second wife after I divorced the first one. We met on the Internet and decide to go meet and so on.We met and get married, week later she ask for divorce and I said, why? She mention that I am kind weak in the sex life, I said, I didn't know that I'm kind that weak but if I am I.. More

  • Anal foreplay between husband and wife

    What is the Islam position on the relationship between the wife and husband? If husband request that she stimulate him by inserting her finger in his anus. .. More

  • Duty of parents for adult son who does not pray properly

    It is compulsory duty of a Muslim father to see all his members of the family to pray five times a day. In his family one of the matured member, in fact his own son is not bothered about the prayer. The parents giving lots of advice, good and bad, punishments of the hellfire did not move him; (during the advice time he prays once or twice.. More

  • Adultery as cheating

    My friend and I differ in our opinions about "cheating" spouses. Could you please clarify, if his view is the more Islaamicly correct one or whether mine is? I believe that when a married woman commits adultery it is a crime against Allaah and also her husband since he has rights to sexual exclusivity from his wife. Actually it is the only.. More

  • Parents' cousins as Mahaarim

    I would like to ask that if one's father's and mother's cousins are Mahram? .. More

  • Wants to marry a recent Japanese convert to help her condition

    Can I marry a Japanese girl has got into Islam three months ago. In order to learn hear Islam and take here a way from the unbelieving condition surrounding her. I mean, then my intention is not to build a family and have children and so on, but this marriage is will continue only for few years are maybe continue forever if she became a good Muslim... More

  • She feels no need to marry

    I have a very serious problem. I'm 26, a doctor, an only daughter; I have a younger brother and very loving parents Al-Hamdu Lillaah. My parents have been very supportive always Maashaa' Allaah, they really want the best for me and I can never think of hurting them. I don't want to disobey them both for their sake and because Allaah says.. More