Three months ago, my husband passed away. I need to know. 1) If its okay to post his name on the top of his tomb (Kaber) so we can recognize his grave when visiting him. 2) Is woman allows visiting the grave? 3) What are his rights on me as a Muslim wife after his death?.. More
I am in love with a girl. I married her. Then I got sex with her. After 6 months I come to know that we did marriage wrong it is not acceptable because we did on phone and she had no witness with her but I had two witnesses at my side and molvee with me he said he is witness from her side. And she accepted him her witness. Now is our marriage.. More
My husband has been married before me and divorced with 2 kids. His ex-wife is living in his apartment with the kids now. I just noticed that in our marriage contract it is written that he is readyto receive me in his apartment after the marriage. Since we are not living there because his ex-wife is and he cannot complete this part of the contract.. More
I had an argument with my wife, so she left the house more than a month now. Is rely bothering me that she has gone. What should I do? You think that like a divorce? Because to me I feel like it. Should I take her back? What the Islaam point of view of that? She used to cover her hear, so after a while she uncovered I asked her to do so but.. More
I am male, I got married, and in three months we got divorced, because she don't want to live with me, she has love affair with someone after that one of our relation she married got divorced, I love her, she also love with me past 18 months, but she is out of India her family settled Singapore, but we have communication through phone, SMS,.. More
I have done only nikah and my mom says we will take her after 2 years, and not me talk to her when we are alone and not even let me touch her hand, are they doing right thing, please help me. .. More
Please help, I am very much in love with a man that has met me and my parents for marriage. But he never proposed to me for certain situations. I'm not sure. So the first time he met me and my parents he left, then I prayed to Allaah that he'll come back and then he did a year later, but then he left again. I don't understand, Allaah answered my prayers.. More
I use to practice Islam while back very strongly, al-hamdulillaah, but since I have moved to no community and must work, I miss my Hijaab and convictions I once held on to I just want to totally submit but my environment wont allow it and my husband wants me to work? .. More
My husband divorced me one Talaaq and during the Iddah he came and saw me I lived by myself and asked me to go back together there were no other person with us I said yes thinking that it was allowed but after a few weeks he divorced me again saying that he was scared of what his family might say cause the first divorce ended in an ugly way. I wanted.. More
My question is about the behavior of a wife towards her in-laws. I have been married for 8 months now, Al-hamdulillaah, and Allaah is my witness that I have tried everything to make my husbands parents happy and his sister also but all in vain. I have ignored so much that now I cannot take any more. I just want to ask that will it be a sin if.. More
I went to another country and I got married with the idea of bringing him here for a visa and maybe helping me. things didn't work out and he hasn't came here its been almost 3 years I am now I am Muslim and have remarried I want to know Islaamic am I still married to the guy before he has not been a husband to me anyway and my new husband is.. More
I have received your answer for my last time question, thanks. To continue my question, my father has annulled the asked which I made by his friend, and the Qaadi also told me as you told me his friend can't be his guardian. And I applied to the court that I am 21, and based on the Shariah law I have right to make an asked with a religious person,.. More
I am a trained gynaecologist. I gave up work to look after my two children. I am now considering going back to work part-time but certain issues worry me.
1) Is it permissible for me to work in an environment which has men around as doctors and other hospital staff?
2) I sometimes need to expose my arms up to my elbows to scrub before operating... More
One of my friend has asked me to consult a good scholar to answer his question, that's why I am writing to you.
We live in the UK, my friend's sister was married to her cosine for about ten years, last year, because of her husbands unacceptable behavior she decided to end her marriage. To end it amicably she turned to their relatives, despite.. More