Shaykh, if a woman takes permission from her guardian (father/husband) to go to her female friend's house, and her guardian gives permission, and so she went there, but she also goes to the market/other place to buy things/other halal purpose, so if she seeks permission to go to one place but also goes to other places besides the main places to fulfill.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykhs,if there are children together, and I want to give them candy or gifts etc., but there are some male childrenamong them who might have reached the age where they are non-Mahram (permanently unmarriageable kin) to me, though I am not sure if that is the case or not, can I give all of them that.. More
I know that color is not a condition of the hijab. However, if a person compliments a hijabi on her color/style of choice while she is wearing a simple and modest dress that meets all other conditions of hijab except that it is not black and perhaps it is a color that suits that person's skin colour, then does that mean that the hijab is an attractive.. More
A Muslim said that he has homosexual urges but knows that that is wrong and fights against it; is he allowed to pray with the men, or must he pray separately, just as how men and women cannot pray together? May Allah reward you.
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In the name of Allah. Assalaamu alaykum. About a year ago, I did something with my husband's phone. He saw that and said in anger, "If you do that again, I swear to Allah, those words will come out of my mouth."After saying a few sentences in anger, he said, "If you do it again, I swear to Allah, those three words, those three words." After a few seconds.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. I am temporarily staying in a house where a maid, her husband, and their child are living along with my grandparents. When we eat, the maid refills the food, and her husband also walks past the dinner. The maid does not wear a hijab, but she wears full sleeves and wraps a cloth around her head which.. More
Salam. There are three steps in dealing with a disobedient wife. Is it obligatory to follow the steps in order, or can one resort to the second step directly if the situation calls for it?
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My husband has recently become constantly suspicious of me that I did something haram with someone else. He says that he has confirmed these thoughts with a shaykh he spoke with and wants me to admit to it. I have repeatedly told him that this is not true and that I cannot admit to something that I did not do and that did not happen. He does not care.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am a parent to three young kids, two boys and a girl, aged 17, 14 and 12, God bless them. Like other children in our neighborhood, I let them watch TV for limited times during the afternoon and evening hours. Lately, a show called “Game of Thrones” started in Malaysia, and after watching some episodes with my children, I was.. More
Assalaamu alaykom. I would like to know the Islamic view on this matter. I got to know someone online, but he is from a different country and totally different cultures and traditions. We talked, and there is a mutual liking between us. However, he is not Muslim! He does not belong to any denomination but he believes in one God. I know that what I did.. More
Dear Sir, I have been married for the last four years and have no Kids. My wife is from a big city, and she has always wanted to settle in her home city, but I was not ready for that. In the third year of marriage, she managed to take me to her home-parental city to settle there. Then, however, she started to avoid me and spend times with her friends.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I got married to a Muslim man two years ago. He got two illegimate kids before he met me, the smaller one is three years old, and social services took the baby away from her mother as she had drug problems, so my husband fought for the baby's full custody. In the begining of our relationship, he told me that he would send the girl.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have been sending questions, which all went unanswered, and I did not received a confirmation email. I only now realised that I put the wrong email address. Let me start again with a question. I feel that I am currently entangled in the traps from the devil. Ever since I gave birth for the first time, and until now, I live in constant.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. During a quarrel, a husband just uttered 'a' or 'one' or 'on'. Nothing else was uttered; is there any problem? Please answer the question according to Hanafi Fiqh. If anyone uttered something without moving his lips and only slightly moving his tongue but while breathing out, so one could only hear the breath coming out, is there.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am doing my graduation in a mixed university. I am doing my graduation in accounting. I wear a proper hijab, niqab, and gloves. I do not talk to boys unnecessarily. I try to lower my gaze even though I study in a mixed university. I want to complete my study to serve Islam. Here in my country, many women work in bank, many girls.. More