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5673 fatwas

  • Committed homosexuality and now wishes to marry

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholar. As a little kid, I commited homosexual acts, but I do not remember how many times I did it. I know that it started at the age of seven, more or less, but I stopped after that. I started again a couple of months later. When I turned 14, I stopped in januray, but I forgot when I started; I think it was when I was almost. I.. More

  • Listening to music without human voice

    Hello,I am 19 years old. I pray five times a day, praise be to Allah, and I hope that, Allah willing, it will stay this way. I have an issue about the topic "music" and have some questions. I have heard that musical instruments are haram, which I can not deny, because you really gave the evidence from the Quran and Hadith. My questions are: 1. Is.. More

  • Taking second wife while unable to support first wife

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuhu. Brother, I hope you are in good health. May Allah bless you and your family. Sheikh, I want to ask you a question related to my situation. My husband and I got married one and a half year ago. My husband is a student of knowledge in Madinah university. He is a revert Muslim since 7 years now. I live.. More

  • Abandoning wife for three years

    Good day. I got married as a convert Muslim at the age of 21. They also married me without the presence of my parents. The man whom I married has a wife and three kids. He told me they were already separated, but I later learned that his first wife does not know everything because it is not true that they are separated. After all that happened, he went.. More

  • Suitor not obliged to tell fiancée he might be sterile

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am 23 years old, and I have varicocele on my left testis. I have read your fatwa which is related to it (varicocele). Part of your answer in the fatwa was that: Sterility (which might result from varicocele), even if confirmed, is not an hindrance to marriage. I have seen my doctor for it, and he said that there is no need for a.. More

  • Bearing Name ‘Aws’ or ‘As-Soosi’

    Is it permissible to keep the name 'Aws' [as in Al-Aws wal-Khazraj'] or As-Soosi? What do these names mean? .. More

  • Discarding marriage certificate does not affect validity of marriage

    Assalaamu alaykum. May Allah bless you. My husband and I divorced in secret; documents were signed, but his family was not involved. A few days ago he started becoming harsh towards me because someone in his circles got to know about this. Now he constantly asks me to discard the marriage certificate so that I cannot go to his family in any circumstance... More

  • Taking back divorced wife in her waiting period valid even without her consent

    Assalaamu alaykum. My wife and I did a mutual divorce by signing a paper titled “DEED OF MUTUAL DIVORCE AND SETTLEMENT” in which it is written that both the husband and wife mutually decided to annul their marriage with effect from June 22, 2016. On July 5, 2016, my uncle told me that this is not a valid divorce as per the Islamic Shariah because.. More

  • Husband's intention determines how many counts of divorce he issued

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding divorce. A man said to his wife, "You are Taaliq." She told him, "I am having my menses." He said, "You are Taaliq after your menses." Is this considered one divorce or two? May Allah reward you. .. More

  • Carrying family name ‘Rahmaan’

    Is it clear Shirk to give someone the surname Rahman? My full name is Karima Rahman. If it is, then who's fault is this; my parents' or mine? .. More

  • Thinking that Allah prevents person from marrying to protect them

    Is it permissible for me to think that Allaah may be keeping me away from marriage or saving me from it because of harm/hardship that I might face or to think that I cannot handle marriage and that Allaah will not overburden a servant with more than they can handle? .. More

  • Case of conditional divorce

    Thank you, Shaykh, for replying to my question, no. 2659074. You said that it depends on his intention. 1) I think I could not state my question right. I know that my husband's intention is the matter, but I wanted to ask: what if he did not intend anything; neither of placing my hand a with piece of cloth in between my hand and the Quran, nor of.. More

  • Divorce does not count in an invalid marriage

    Thank you for sending me other answers. I wrote: my cousin proposed to me when we were alone. He said, "Will you marry me." I said, "Yes." Then he said, "I take you in my Nikah(marriage) do you accept it." I answered him, "Yes, I accepted." (In Urdu, I said, "Qabool hai.") He again said, "Do you accept that?" I said, "Yes, I accept it." He again said,.. More

  • Intimacy between woman and step-father

    Salam. I want to ask: if my stepfather touched my private parts and kissed me with lust and desire, is the marriage of my mother and stepfather valid? I want the opinion of the majority on this. Please tell me, and also give me the fatwa of any Saudi scholar on whether my father and mother's marriage with each other is valid. Please tell me. .. More

  • Marriage based on admiration

    Assalaamu alaykum. My teacher said that a marriage based on attraction is not valid. So, for example, if I like a man because he is handsome or has other quality and do not marry him because of Allah or because of obedience, but simply to marry him, is it not valid? .. More