What are the ways by which Allah communicates with humans, .. More
What is the evidence for the authenticity of the Quran and Sunnah, knowing that I have absolute faith in them?.. More
A person who commits religious innovations in our area raised the following doubts regarding the issue of the creation of the Quran: It is known that the Universe contains either a Creator or a creation, so under what category should we classify the Quran. How can I answer him?.. More
What is the evidence that indicates that the Quran has been completely preserved after the death of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam? Would you please provide logical and historical evidence, not textual ones (from the Quran and the Sunnah)? .. More
What is the evidence of any distortion of the Bible? Has there been any distortion introduced into the Quran?.. More
What is the response of Ahlus-Sunnah (the Sunnis) to those who claim that the Quran is distorted? .. More
What are the Torah and the Gospel?.. More
We know that the holy Quran is miraculous in every single word. When Allaah the Almighty reports the speech of a person or a people in the Quran, does He report their exact words? .. More
What do scholars mean when they say about the Quran "to Him it will return"?.. More
Is it permissible for common Muslims to read the previous Divinely revealed books of the Jews and Christians such as the Injeel (Gospel)? .. More
Assalamu Alaykum, Were all the holy books sent in Arabic and then translated into the language of the nations they were sent to? Thank you.. More
Assalamu Alaykum, Before the advent of prophet Muhammad PBUH, there was a muslim sect following the correct teachings of Eesa PBUH (The original injil). Did the original uncorrupted gospel in its original language exist when Prophet Muhammad PBUH received his revelation? Thank you .. More
As salamu alaikum Is it true that 140 books in total were sent by Allah (SWT) to different messengers? Is there any well documented evidence that proves this? Jazak Allah.. More
Does a person who despises the Injeel or the Torah become a non-Muslim, as it may contain some Words of Allaah?.. More
Allaah Says (what means): {Indeed, it is We who sent down the message [i.e. the Quran] and indeed, We will guard it (from corruption).}[Quran 15:9]. Why is it that Allaah protected the Quran but did not protect other divine books from corruption and falsification, as the Christians and the Jews falsified their books? .. More
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