Aslamalekum, I love my sister's husband since so many years even before my sister got married to him. He also loves me. We want to marry according islam. My sister has two children with him. I would like to know is it possible to marry my love. He comes after Allah for me. I have accepted him as my husband with heart and soul. He has also accepted me as his wife. In shaa Allah ill only marry him. I lost my virginity with hiim and I also fell pregnant with his child but I miscarried. I have tried to forget him for the sake of my sister but my islamic brother I luv him very very very much. If he is not in my life I feel i have no life at all. I love him since ten years back when my sister wasnt even married to him. Please help me out of this I really want to be his wife he also wants to marry me. If im not allowed why did mighty Allah put feellings for him in my heart and why did he make him love me? Please help me out jazakAllah.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
First of all, we ask Allaah to guide both us and you to the Straight Path and to obey Him and His Messenger and keep us away from what incurs the wrath of Allaah and leads to destruction and the Hellfire - and what an evil place that is!
You should know that you have made several mistakes:
1- Being emotionally attachment to your sister’s husband: It is Islamically forbidden for a woman to be emotionally attached to a non-Mahram man, as it is to behave as the people of the Pre-Islamic Era of Ignorance. Allaah says (what means): {…nor those who take [secret] lovers.}[Quran 4:25] This is a means to corruption and committing Zina (fornication/adultery). What you have both done is the best evidence of this. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 81356. To learn how to treat passion, please refer to Fatwa 84544.
2- Committing Zina with this man, which is a grave major sin: Allaah warned against this and made a severe punishment for it in this life and in the Hereafter; Allaah says (what means): {And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.}[Quran 17:32] Allaah also says (what means): {The [Unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse — lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion [i.e. law] of Allaah, if you should believe in Allaah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment.}[Quran 24:2]
3- Abortion: Abortion is forbidden even if the fetus is in the stage of the sperm-drop. The sin is even greater if this happened after the soul is breathed into the fetus. Along with repentance, the one who carried out an abortion is obliged to pay Diyah (blood money) for aborting the child as we clarified in Fatwa 128722.
At any rate, you are obliged to repent from all of this and sever your relationship with this man if you want to tread the path of salvation. The conditions of repentance are clarified in Fatwa 86527.
As regards you marrying this man, then this is not permissible as long as your sister is his wife, because in Islam, it is forbidden to marry two sisters at the same time as we have clarified in Fatwa 100846. If he divorces her irrevocably (i.e. three times) or gives her a revocable divorce and her waiting period elapses, then it is permissible for you to marry him. However, you should be careful not to cause the separation between him and his wife, as Allaah has forbidden this. Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet
said: "It is not lawful for a woman (at the time of wedding) to ask for the divorce of her sister (i.e. the other wife of her would-be husband) in order to have everything for herself, for she will take only what is decreed for her.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
For more details, kindly refer to Fatwa 92056.
As regards your statement “why did Almighty Allaah put feelings for him in my heart and why did He make him love me?”, then the answer is that this is a trial from Allaah. He has decreed such in order to distinguish the believers from the dissolute and the truthful from the liars. Allaah says (what means): {[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed — and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving —}[Quran 67:2] Allaah also says (what means): {Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.}[Quran 21:35] Moreover, Allaah's slaves are entrusted to fulfil their obligations of faith and obedience, while Allaah is not to be questioned over what He does; Allaah says (what means): {He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned.}[Quran 21:23]
Allaah Knows best.
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