According to some Muslim group, they say Islam has no politics by citing the following Hadith: "I am a human like you. When I give any religious command, accept it. When I say something out of my personal opinion, remember that I am nothing but a human being. I had only guessed (regarding the fertilization methods of date palms). Do not accept from me that which is based on guesswork. However when I convey something from Allaah, follow it because I will never attribute anything to Allah falsely. As regards your worldly affairs, you are more knowledgeable than I am." [Saheeh Muslim, Kitabul Fazail] They say "Here the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explicitly clarifies that we need only to follow him when he conveys something "from Allaah". In other words, only what is part of religion is obligatory upon us. "Is this the interpretation of this Hadeeth? Is this opinion correct?" Hope you will answer this question.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.
Imaam An-Nawawi commented on the following narration reported by Imaam Muslim
which reads:
"If I give any religious command, accept it, and if I order you to do something which I only guessed then I am a human being like you." In another narration it says: "You are more knowledgeable than I am in matters pertaining to your worldly life."
He commented: 'The scholars stated that "which I only guessed" means the matters of this world and its style of living and does not mean legislation. But what the Prophet
said as a religious point of view when there is no explicit text from the Qur'an and considered it as a part of legislation then we have to act according to it. Pollinating date palms is not a matter pertaining to legislation and religion but it is a matter which has a connection with the matters of this world. It is 'Ikrimah
who reported the expression 'which only I guessed' to explain the meaning of the wording of the Prophet
because at the end of the narration it is worded 'Ikrimah said' or the like (i.e. the narration was reported in indirect speech) and did not exactly and precisely include the wording of the Prophet
. The scholars
commented that the narration was not a revelation but was the Prophet's
own Ijtihaad (opinion on a non-religious matter) as explained in these narrations. They said that his opinion on worldly matters (and style of living) is like the opinion of others, so this could happen and there is no deficiency in this, as the companions
were greatly concerned with the matters and knowledge of the Hereafter, and Allaah knows best.'
Saying that politics in not a part of religion according to this narration is not correct because this narration meant the details of the style of living and did not mean general legislation. For example the issue of industrialization is included in this narration, as regards the issue of judging between people regarding the killing of a soul, money, honour and dignity, and the like, then that is something pertaining to legislation and we should not contradict the Islamic Law in matters concerning the above issues.
Allaah knows best.
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