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AssalamuAlaikum my question is regarding some people who do treatment for magic evil eye etc .How do these people know what has affected us?some of these people get know magic was done long back .how do they know that?they say about our personal life which is true even when we dont tell them like one such person told a woman that there is a man behind.. More
Asc, this is a basic question. But does Evil eye only affect Muslims. I understand that we can give to each other. If you look these celebrities none of them have the evil eye on them. Is it a trial only Muslims faceor everyone faces. Please answer Asc.
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Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, In fatwa no 88414 you have stated "that a small harm can be borne if there is a greater benefit", please give a few examples of such events where Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) or the Rightly Guided Caliphs had applied this principle so that one can gauge and so that one doesn't.. More
Hello I've been having a serious question that has continously run in my mind. Long story short while growing up my father developed an intense secret hatred towards me and decided to target everything that I did, along with whatever that I tried to do. He became very toxic to the point where I became depressed, suicidal, to where I had to run away.. More
Is it possible that a mother could give her daughter evil eye through angry stares? Suppose if a mother always stares at her daughter and appears to have negative thoughts while doing so, is it likely she is giving nazar? The daughters life always falls apart when in the mothers house but felt good when she was apart living with another relative and.. More
On your site you mention that protection against the evil eye is Ma Sha Allah but I was told that some scholars say that you should say “Allahumma Barik Lahu (for male), Allahumma Barik Laha (for female)” so is it correct to pray for blessing for the person? Also if it is correct to pray blessings then can one simply say “Allahumma Barek Lek”.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know whether the evil eye can also afflict material things such as cars and houses? If so, then how can we cure the item that has been inflicted? Is it the same as if a human was afflicted, where we have to get the water from the one who gave the evil eye and pour it over the item, or do we just recite Ruqyah (healing.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I have a question to ask based on the Kalla Tikka (black dot) placed on the baby's forehead as a protection against the evil eye. Please provide me with clear proofs from the Quran and the Sunnah that it is Shirk (polytheism) and a bad omen in order to enlighten others who does this kind of act and.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question about a 'thing' that has been going on in our community, and I was wondering what our religion says about it. There are many sisters in our community that are keeping their pregnancies secret by not telling about it to anyone - not even their family or friends. They say that they are afraid of people giving the baby.. More
In the name of Allaah. Dear Shaykh, can the evil eye be transmitted via photograph? Someone gets good things from Allaah and he uploads his photographs showing the good things on social media. Are these photos a medium of the evil eye? May Allaah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Is it possible that a person affects themselves with their own eye, causing harm through the evil eye of oneself over oneself? I want to know as I have felt that at times I think about a certain thing in me, like a good thing, praise be to Allaah, and then I see some problem with that thing.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. If someone has been inflicted with the evil eye and asks for the water of the ablution of that person who caused the evil eye, then what should be the amount of that water? Should he wash his whole body with that water or just the affected part? Can the water of the ablution be applied to a women who is in her menses? Will the water.. More
I know about the evil Eye and the risks of it and that we have to protect ourselves against it. But I think that my husband suffers from waswaas (devilish whisperings) regarding that. He tries to hide me and the baby everywhere and from everybody. He does not like anyone to know about us. He gives me other names. He does not tell his brother when he.. More
Are we allowed to say mashaAllah about non-muslims or is that kufr?If for example my non muslim colleague is wearing a nice piece of jewellery is it permissible to say 'MashaAllah that is a pretty piece of jewellery' or for example to compliment a non-muslim by saying they are pretty or kind mashaAllah etc. If it is not permissible then don't we risk.. More
Sallam alakium dear shiekh Are Men in the family and those who are working outside home more prone in getting evil eye more then women and children based on the fact that the men are outside the home more often due to their busy schedules your help your input on this issue is highly appreciated jazakallahu khyranI’m basing my conclusion that men working.. More
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