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585 fatwas

  • Driver Collects Washed Garments and Lies about the Price

    Assalamu-aleykoom, I have a driver who delivers my thobes (a Middle Eastern clothing) to a laundy service. They take 3 riyals per thobe to iron them, and the driver pays them from his own money and collects the receipts and every group of receipts he gives the receipts to me so I can pay him. Originally I didn't know how much they were taking, but then.. More

  • Forged a Sick Leave Certificate

    If a person has lied that he is sick and forged a document to support the lie now wants to repent, what can he do? As he cannot confess to this lie as it will bring very bad reprocusions towards him as it may involve police etc. He also feels guilty every day and is constantly thinking of it, how can he achieve peace. Would it be possible for him to.. More

  • Helped Classmates Cheat in High School

    Hello I have a question that has been troubling me for some time. In high school I have gotten good grades and I believe( Insha Allah) that I may be able to get into a good college. However, during my time in high school I have cheated before. What I mean by cheating is that I have given the answers to people when I was not supposed to. This didn’t.. More

  • Watching Pornographic Movies Leads to Zina

    Assalau alaykum!I came across an article written by a brother known as c.j.ahmed who claims to have a good understanding in Islam and says that he is upon the understandng of the salaf and he says that if you fear committing zina, then watching porn and masturbating is halal. I found these articles in the below links More

  • Backbiting a Muslim in Front of a non-Muslim

    Is backbiting and disrespecting a Muslim in front of non Muslims kufr? .. More

  • Forged Medical Certificate to Join University

    Asslamualaikum,Recently I am admitted to a government university. The basis of selection is marks in undergraduation, entry test and interview which I passed easily.For document submission there was a medical certificate signed by the candidate (in the presence of doctor) and doctor. Here mostly this type of certificate is signed by a doctor having.. More

  • Lied When Applying for a Student Visa

    I applied for a student visa to go to a foreign country. When applying I submitted a 3 month training that I didn’t get, I did this without knowledge of any future consequences. Now I know this is a lie. After getting my visa I went to the foreign country and attended school and paid for it with my own money. After months I met a lady and we got married.. More

  • Mediating to Hire Someone and Leaking Exam Papers

    Assalamualaikum,I am Raisa. I am doing M.Sc engineering in computer science. I want to have halal earning. But I am confused about something. One of my friends works in a university as lecturer. He told me that his university has given circular for new teacher. He told me to apply. I have applied for this job. They will take a written test and then.. More

  • Changing Copyrighted Bookmark Designs and Reselling Them

    Assalamu alaikom, I bought some designs for uncolored bookmarks that I am free to print any number of copies of and use personally, as long as i dont resell those printed copies for profit. However, if i color and decorate those copies, meaning that i would change those designs with my own effort and ideas, can I sell them and charge money for the effort.. More

  • Sinful for Forging Certificates but Your Work with Them Is Permissible

    Sir, my graduate admission requirements were to have DTE certified with experience. It was also said that the previous result and experience will be considered for selecting the students. I had good results but had no experience. So, I made a false experience certificate and got the admission. After that, I successfully completed my BscTE degree from.. More

  • Used Many E-Mail Addresses to Ask Questions

    1)while fasting in Ramadan, 2018 I sent several questionss using several email accounts in a fatwa websites though it was told in the website not to do. cause I need to know the answers of my increasing questions so I had to do that. does it affect my fast as I broke rule? 2)I even sent questions from my brother's account & mention his name as account.. More

  • Committing Sins Openly Does Not Render a Person a Disbeliever

    Scholars, I had a question on sins:1. Does boasting of ones sins make them a kafir? I read that ibn uthaymeen said one who does so should be killed? Is this valid?2. I was wondering, does envy or having ill thoughs about a fellow muslim make one a kafir3. Lastly, what if someone loves a sin/commiting a sin, does that make them a kafir? I mean, they.. More

  • Hardships Caused by His Brother Cause Him to Lie

    Scholars, I have an issue with lying. To my brother, I find myself lying to him over little things such as whether or not I have ironed my clothes or combed my hair. I do this as he has tendency to tease and berate me in an aggressive manner. Recently, i lied about finishing my quran reading for a day and I am feeling immense guilt over it and about.. More

  • Lying on the Job Application

    Hello sheik, if someone lied on their job application about drug use , would your income be haram? .. More

  • Masturbating With the Wife's Hand

    During Azl, (Coitus interruptus) when I'm about to release my sperm, can I use my hand? Will it be considered as masterbation? Or should my wife use her hand to ejaculate me? Which one is right? .. More