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I need to know if it is BACKBITING to say unwanted things in a WhatsApp group chat, where the person is not texting in the conversation/may not be present but is a member of the group chat.Please explicitly state wether it is halal or haram... More
What do I do if I see backbiting on social media/news. Do I take the matter into my own hands and defend the person, even when they are a celebrity, a person I don’t even know, a non Muslim, etc? Or do I just ignore the post completely, skip it, and move on. For example, i see someone backbiting a random celebrity on YouTube, do I have to take the.. More
What forms of gossip/backbiting are considered haram? There is this suspicious individual who my family and I know and his friend now and then relates to me this individual's supposed true nature. He claims that he is a bad person and he relates to me his experience with him and the various misdeeds that he has committed? Am I committing a sin by listening.. More
Assalamu aleykum.My mother always give complain of her boss to me when i can't settle the score between her and her boss.Is this a form of backbiting?
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Assalamu alaikum. I happen to backbite someone without knowing that he is actually a Muslim. I live in a kaffir country. What's the ruling for that? Am I sinful? Will I be held accountable?
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If I hear a non Muslim swear, or backbite or do any other sin do I have to telll them not to do it? And am I assisting in sin if I help carry haram foods for my non Muslim mother to eat?
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A person was smoking in the room and I saw him doing thatNext day another person asks me what he was doing yesterday in that room If I say he was smoking then it's geebah How to answer these kind of questions
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Salaam,If you overhear a conversation without intending to hear it, is that haram? For example, the people are talking so loudly that you can't help but just hear them. Do you have to do anything to ensure you don't hear them in this situation?jazakAllahKhair
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Salaam,Is criticism the same as backbiting. For example, if I write a review of a book and post it online and I criticise not necessarily the writer but the writing itself or express my opinions on why I didn't like something or why I thought the story wasn't well written, would that be backbiting?JazakAllahKhair
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once my maid was asking me about a cooking that my other maid cooked , if i told her that there is less of salt and tell the one that has cooked it to add some salt . Will telling this to the present maid be considered backbiting or gheebah because the other was not present?
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Assalamualaikum sheikh I know backbiting is a major sin. But many a times my mother speaks about people who have wronged her in some way says things about them which are not actually good .I have tried to make her understand but she says that they did wrong and that's why she's talking about them. If I leave or don't listen to such backbiting my mother.. More
Aa.Usually my sister complains about her boss in the office everyday.She talks about how she treated her,her behaviour etc but she is not ready to leave the work yet,is this a form of backbitting?
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A few months ago I asked one of my older cousins to relate to my younger female cousins to maintain distance from our male cousins as they touch each other too much and think "they are like our brothers". After my older cousin did, the younger cousins have been accusing me of backbiting and have been treating me in an estranged manner. It feels like.. More
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah
Is there any scholar that allowed backbiting inside heart (the backbiting here is based with data and facts, not only baseless bad thought). I am someone who studied social science professionally, and of course we need to examine why people are like this and that. Of course we thought a lot about their bads, not for entertainme.. More
If i tell someone about funny speech of my wife (if she hear about it she may mind) while i am sure that they will never meet each other, that means my wife wont know about that in future. Is this haram geebah?
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