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Pls I want to know how to bath a deceased person?
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Assalaamu alaykum. If a husband wants to wash and shroud his wife's body, can his daughter help him wash and shroud it? Also, is it ok if a husband refuses to wash his wife if she requested that he does so in her will?
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Does the Wudhoo’ of the deceased become invalidated, whether a man or a woman, when someone touches the corpse?.. More
A man died and left behind none but his wife and mother. Who among them has more right to wash his body?.. More
I have a question surrounding the ruling of a person who died in another country. The corpse was transported to his own country in a coffin that was tightly sealed. The responsible parties requested that the box not be opened. Is it correct to bury him without knowing whether or not he was washed, knowing that he died in a car accident? What is the.. More
Is it permissible for a husband to attend the washing of the dead body of his mother-in-law?.. More
How does one complete the Ghusl (i.e. washing) of the deceased when he died while in a state of Janaabah from sexual intercourse?.. More
A man died due to drowning and remained in the water for three or four days. Should his body be washed once again before shrouding and performing the funeral prayer over him or is his stay in the water considered a washing for him?.. More
What is the validity or invalidity, under Sharee‘ah, of wrapping or shrouding the dead, male or a female, with a piece of cloth or banner carrying the speech of Allaah The Almighty or words of Tawheed, like those of Hamas or Islamic Jihaad or others having the words of Allaah The Almighty, be they complete Quranic Verses or parts thereof? What is.. More
What is the importance of the Islamic shroud for the deceased, especially since – on the Day of Resurrection – all people will be raised as naked as newborns?.. More
If we washed a corpse, offered the funeral prayer on him and then, while burying him, we discover that he is still alive for some time and then dies in the grave, is. it obligatory to rewash him and offer the funeral prayer again? .. More
Should we wash the deceased with water mixed with Sidr (lotus jujube or lote-tree leaves) then at the last wash we use camphor without using water or we wash him with camphor then we pour water on him, given that camphor is pure but it does not purify the deceased? Is it true that camphor strips the water of the quality of purifying?.. More
Is it obligatory to shave the armpit and pubic hair of the deceased whilst washing him or is it sufficient to make ablution and wash him? May Allaah Reward you... More
My father has been bedridden for months so his body has many open blisters and his flesh is worn out. If he dies, should I wash him in spite of these many holes in his body?.. More
What is the ruling on supplicating Allaah at the deceased’s head, to Have mercy upon her and Forgive her, when shrouding her? What is the recommended number of those who shroud her?.. More
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