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I would like a clearer understanding of when a person of Muslim faith should be buried. Is it on the day of their death or the nearest possible day to their death. Taking all matters into consideration such as certification of death, allowing time to travel, cemetery opening times, washing and praying etc.
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Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I would like to know whether it is permissible to conduct the funeral prayer and a burial at night, meaning between the Maghrib prayer and the Fajr prayer. What is the recommended time, if any? May Allaah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. Did our beloved Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,put his saliva on the death body of the leader of the hypocrites, ‘Abdullaah ibn Ubayy? Is this story authentic?
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Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. What is the right of a dead revert Muslim over his non-Muslim family given that he has written a Wasiyyah (last will and testament) stating that when he dies, only Muslim brothers should arrange his dead body and he should be buried in an Islamic way. I decided to ask this question because I noticed that there are cases in.. More
How do we bury a woman that died with pregnancy?
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Allaah has mentioned his punishment in the Holy Quran. He will roast one’s skin again and again according to their sins. Some of the non-muslims cremate the remains of the dead ones. Can we also consider this Allah’s punishment?
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A muslim women marries non muslim man and on the death of that women , Question: 1) can imaam prays the funeral namaaz of that lady?2) can hindu relatives and her hindu husband can involve in janaza namaaz?
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When a deceased is buried besides another being punished, does he see this and receive harm from it?.. More
What should be done if a man dies and somebody claims that he is indebted to him? Should the burial be delayed till he brings evidence or should the debt be paid to him without waiting for the evidence?May Allaah The Almighty reward you .. More
A friend of mine entered upon his dead grandfather after he was washed and found that the one who washed him tied the mouth of his grandfather, as is common. However, my friend was unaware of this practice and removed the bond. He is now asking if he is sinful for what he did and if he caused any harm to his grandfather... More
I, along with my family, have been staying in Italy for 25 years: is it permissible for a Muslim to be buried in the same country in which he dies, even though the majority of its inhabitants are Christians? Shipping the dead body to Egypt costs 4,000 Euro. Are the living not more worthy of the money than the deceased?.. More
Is it permissible to bury Christian children in Islamic graveyards?.. More
What is the limit of the grave’s height in centimeters? The grave is in an inclined area and, in order to level the grave, one side should be higher than the other... More
My father was buried in Al-Baqee‘ (graveyard in Al-Madeenah). When I lowered him into the grave, the gravedigger asked me if he should undo the shroud from around his face, so I asked him what the Sunnah practice is and he told me that it is the Sunnah to uncover (the face). So I did so, but after I read about burial, I learned that only the Muhrim.. More
What should we do if we find out that the way of burial was incorrect, such as making the deceased lie on his left side with the Qiblah to his back due to the ignorance on the part of those who performed the burial ceremonies? This was coincidentally discovered two weeks after the death. Is it permissible to conceal the matter after discovering it?.. More
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