Is it true that, when 'Umar was injured and about to die, a slave came to visit him whose lower garment were hanging below his ankles, and upon seeing that, 'Umar was very upset and asked that person to raise it above his ankles. Please advice me. .. More
I kindly convey my greetings to all and follow up with my question in our country we have a costume actually it is a traditional cloth where a Christian cross drawn or you can say weaved on it and also it is mostly wear by the Christians, now my question is can Muslim girls (actually it is women's cloth) wear such kind of costumes on any occasion.. More
When parents want their son not to wear Kurta all the time, should the son listen to them? I know it is not Fardh to wear the Kurta but on the other hand Allaah has commanded the believers to love Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, more than his own parents. So can one against parents wish in this case for the love of Rasoolallah? .. More
1) Many of the Imaams that I have seen in Saudi channel wear a red and white mixture of scarf on their head but as red is Haraam on Muslims how come they wear it?
2) Many people in my country Pakistan say Ya Rasoolallah or Ya Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. I hate this because we need not say anything except Ya Allaah so I think praying.. More
Could you tell me please if it's permissible to wear the Sari (Indian dress) at home of course in front of husband or in front of Muslim women providing that the belly is covered, ex as the Muslim Indian women wear it covering all part of the body (once again not to go out, as it is not Hijaab)... More
Is it true that women should not wear black colour as it is also the colour of covering Ka'bah. It is very sacred colour or there is not any wrong thing in using this black colour as our dress. I am from Pakistan I want to ask one more questions. It is necessary that we should not wear new clothes during Muharram. I am not a Shia. I hope.. More
I have a winter hat that says in Arabic that there is no God but Allaah and Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is His Messenger, someone told me that it was not permissible to wear, is there any proof that it is or is not ok to wear it? I do not enter into any dirty place with it and I do not wear it without making Wudu, what would be the.. More
Do you get more reward if you wear Muslim Sunnah clothing that is Saudi style Jubbah in Western countries where non-Muslims keep on looking at you because you have Muslim clothing?.. More
Some people believe that the wearing of normal length trousers is Haram. They roll up their trousers. Is it not the duty of the Muslim to look presentable so as to assure non-Muslims in such places as Europe that Islam is a modern religion that has more to do with the building of a good person/family/ society/country than appearances? If there.. More
I read your recent Fatwa concerning wearing trousers for Muslim sisters. I understood that this is not allowed but what about wearing a long wide skirt with a jacket on top. No one would realize if this skirt is a skirt in fact or a Jilbaab. In this case is it allowed to wear a skirt outside?.. More