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Assalamualaikum, i would like to know if it is haram for a guy to wear a hairband that a girl gave him on his wrist
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Is it permissible for me to wear pants that only cover half of ankles and not all of it
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Assalaamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh. Is wardrobe, i.e. shirt or pants, with brand that is named after someone's name such as Levi Strauss, or named after a city name such as New York City, or word “premium quality”, or “world without stranger”, or Arabic word, e.g. Al Haadi, is written on it, is this allowed to be worn like when praying,.. More
Salaam Alaikum,
My thobe falls below my ankles in rukoo and sujood, I was wondering does this invalidate my prayer/is it disliked by Allah swt, or not, because of the hadith in which Abu Bakr told the Prophet (saw) that his garment fell below the ankles and the Prophet (saw) said it is not out of arrogance. Do I have to guard against garment falling.. More
Salaam ‘Alaykum.
Is it permissible to wear boxers/underwear that have the name of a disbeliever on it, such as Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, etc.?
Jazaakum-Allaah Khayran.
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Salam aleikum.
What is rule of letting garments hang below the hands?
Is this (izbal) forbideen only below the ankle or is it even with hands?
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AssalamualaikumI have designed and ordered a custom t-shirtYou can see them here ( animated figures are my imagination.Can I pray Salah wearing this? Because there is no pictures of living being.Eagerly waiting for your answerJazakAllah khaiyran
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There is a brand of inexpensive clothing in the western U.S.A. called Pro-club They have various slogans, such as "be professional, join the club" and in the About Us section it says"QUALITY IS THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND EVERY PROCLUB PRODUCT.WE PREFER SUBSTANCE OVER FLASH AND STRIVE FOR THE AUTHENTIC, CLASSIC, AND TRUE. WE TAKE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT SERIOUSLY.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykh, I would like to know if it is haram to wear a round-shaped wristband made of rubber like those worn nowadays by the male youth in support of their favourite football clubs and such? Does this pertain to imitating woman or the disbelievers? Women usually wear bangles. I am confused. Please take.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Was the clothing of Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, Sunnah or just a customary practise of the Arabs? I watched a video of Dr. Yasr Qadhi in which he says that the Sunnah, when it comes to dressing, is to accommodate the culture of your people as much as possible, as long as the Shariah allows you to do so.
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I have two questions:
First: Is it permissible to wear colored underwear, I mean dark or simply not white?
Second: My problem is that I wear my underwear today, for example, and then a day or two later I find a light yellowish spot in the front and a light brownish spot in the back of my underwear. I do my best to clean myself after relieving.. More
Are we allowed to wear anything unless it has been stated otherwise? Are we allowed to fold and stitch our thawbs at the bottom [the end of the thawb], and is this considered tucking one's clothes? What is a man not allowed to wear?
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Why are men not permitted to wear women's apparel when it is well documented that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,wore 'Aa'ishah's feminine garment when he received some of his messages from Allaah?
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Assalaamu alaykum. My question is whether a man who has long hair is allowed to wear a headband like those made of plastic to hold his hair back or whether this constitutes imitating women. It is different from a ponytail. Thanks.
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Assalaamu alaykum respected Shaykh. There are many brothers in Western countries who cover their faces with their turban or a scarf. Did the Prophet, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,cover his face with a turban?
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