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5673 fatwas

  • The father of the bride is not obliged to furnish the home upon marriage

    Assalam-0-Alaikum;old reference,2496618,In response of my question you refer me some answer already were given by you about dowry.Sorry i did not find the answer of my questions.I repeat them again. 1-Did our Holly Prophet give jahez to his daughter Fatima? 2-Did any wife of our Holly Prophet MUHAMMAD sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention )bring jahez with her. 3-Did companion of Holly.. More

  • How to react to having a homosexual brother

    Assalamou alykom I'm in desperate need for an advise. I just discovered that my brother who is in his fortys is gay and commiting the act with men for the past 5 years. We come from a good conservative family and never thought one day that Allah will bring such a shame to our family. I'm devastated and I didn't tell my parents yet. I'm in my thirtees.. More

  • A Muslim woman's marriage to a disbeliever is invalid and considered Zina

    ASSALAMU ALAIKUM My family is muslim by name, i grew up without having much islamic surroundings, so after my mother and father divorced, my mother married a christian man. I have told her this isnt right and she cant marry him and that her marriage is void but because my mother isnt practicing muslim she doesnt care. Alhamdulillah i was guided and.. More

  • She wants to live far away from her critical husband

    Assalm Alekum . Please give me sugeastion to help me in one major problem of my life which is making me sick and depressed. I am married since 10 years but there are always conflicts between me and my husband i alwaya tried to adjust and compromise but the problem increases. I have 2 kids one of my kids is a disabled child and i have to look after her.. More

  • Her husband wants to divorce her to marry another wife

    Assalamulaikum. I've a wonderful marriage with my husband, we have a son and i'm also pregnant now. One day, he revealed that he has an intention of marrying a girl. I was devastated. After thinking much, he said he couldn't keep 2 wives, and have to leave me when it's time to marry her. He said he didnt really want to leave me as he loves me a lot,.. More

  • How to react to a wife who refuses her husband's requests for intimacy

    AsslamOAlaikum Sir, we are a Muslim couple with Pakistani background living in Germany, having two kids 3 and 8 years old. Since our second child was born my wife has started declining my requests of being together. Then in a heated argument I told she should pack up I'll provide one-way ticket, she took that as equal to Talaq causing a long deadlock.. More

  • Marrying a woman after engaging in foreplay with her daughter

    Salam. Please answer this question as soon as possible Jazak Allah Khyran. Is it permissible to marry the mother of a girl I was seeing. I was not married to the girl and I never had sex with her nor did I have sexual intercourse. I dated the girl for 3 months and was separate with her in a room for 4 times only and in those 4 times i kissed her and.. More

  • The maintenance of a woman whose husband is under financial hardship

    Assalamu alaikkum Is it permissible for my husband's father or family to keep the mahar and gold they gave me during my marriage in the locker or with them? If i give my gold to my husband to use or sell for business purpose or personal use, does the husband's father or family have the right to question or shout at me or my husband regarding the gold?.. More

  • A wife is not obliged to provide for her family or serve in-laws

    Respected brother, i am a muslim working lady, i am taking care of all my expenses, my child expenses, and house where we are living is given by my company where i am working and they are deducting house rent from my salary. My husband want her moher to stay with us and i accepted but his sister who is already married coming to our house without my.. More

  • Her Bohra friend is not happy in her marriage with a Hindu man

    My muslim(bohra) friend married a hindu guy, there were in luv & she hoped to revert him to islam. But it nvr happnd & instead she got lost too. But inspite of everythin her faith hd not died, she ws overall unhappy wit the situation & all the rituals she ws hvng to do there. Its been 10 yrs for their marriage & she hd a 5 yr old daughter... More

  • Taking back the wife in marriage during her 'Iddah after Khul’

    I have taken khula three days back with my husband because of his past husband don't like to give me khula,but because of my force he has we both are unable to llive without each other and want to remarry..can we remarry again without marrying other new person and getting divorce from him??? .. More

  • Staying in wedlock with a husband who practices religious innovations

    I hv a friend who is married for 14yrs.. After she became more religious, she find out that her husband has a very different mindset about religion. Their aqeedah is also different. She cannot bear living in the same house with the husband because of his ibadah that are Sufi based. What is the ruling and consequence for her to ask for divorce? Will.. More

  • Her husband disrespects her and her parents

    Assalam Alaikum I met my husband 12 years ago,fell in love nd we got married after a long struggle as both our parents were not hapoy to get us married. Its been 4 years now that we are married and have a 3 year old daughter.Since the day i got married my father in law has been very rude and negative towards me and my husband has never supported me... More

  • Sorcery does not affect the validity of marriage

    All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. I got married under the influence of sihr/magic. Without this magic I would have never married the girl. But I also made a very big mistake I still regret until this day. At that time a.. More

  • She is worried because she got married without a Wali

    salam wa3alaykoem wa rahmatoellahi wa barakatoeh, i'm married now 6 years,my mother didn't wanted to marry me with this man so mi parents left me with the mans family 1 year without papers, after that mi father came to me and gave me my papers so i can have mi identicard and marry this man. we made a marriage with the family of the man withouwt mi parents.. More