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5673 fatwas

  • Making a play for children in the mosque about mobile phones

    Assalamoualaikum I'm participating in the Eid Party of the mosque at my place and i have to make a play for children regarding mobile phones. My question is: is it good or bad to give a mobile phone to children under 12? What are the implications of mobile phone regarding its usage by muslim children? Jazakallah for replying. Assalamoualaikum .. More

  • Her husband divorced her for security reasons

    Aslamu Alikum, Happy Ramadan, My husband and I married for one year, we based our marriage on him to instill Islam in to our daily lives, we are very much in love with each other, we live in seperate countries hoping to rejoin. I waited for his release from serivices to have him join me in my country. While I make necessary plans to have him join me,.. More

  • Took Khul' to marry her lover but he forsook her

    Assalmualaikkum, I want to take a fatwa about my love life.I was in love with someone 6 years back, but could not get married with him as i was afraid to tell my parents about him since he was 5 yrs younger to me. I was also afraid whether my parents will bear it or not, so i got married where they wanted me to. But even after my marriage i always.. More

  • Wants to marry a girl whose family do not marry outside their race

    AsalamoAlaikum Kindly clarify me on this issue. I am Muslim who follow Islam based on evidence.(Alhamdulilah). My family is barelvi and they differ me in alot of ways. I am kind of independent and want to propose someone for engagement given that i have quite some time left in my graduation. The issue is that the female person whom i want.. More

  • His wife asks for a divorce for no valid reason

    My wife who recently left to her house with my son on a normal vacation has now sent me an email with the following points saying it to be the reasons for us to get separated and that there is nothing left in our relationship...before departing my home she has left very normal without giving me or my parents any hint of these problems.... 01. First.. More

  • His fiancée’s relatives insist that he changes his name into his father's name

    Dear Mufti sb, Allah has given you the a great task by helping the muslims all around the world, may Allah give you more strength and courage to keep the same cause going. 1. I was brought up by my Uncle (Meternal Uncle) as he was childless and my parents give me to them as to conceal their greif. My name and all documents were converted to my uncle's.. More

  • Trimming the hair of the newborn instead of shaving it

    regarding the aqiqah, specifically the shaving of the newborns hair, is it permissible to simply buzz the hair rather than shave it all off completely?.. More

  • Don't judge Islam by your husband's injustice

    salamalaykoum...I am confused ..i am a revert to islam but honestly i feel i have done a terrible mistake . There are so many issues wrong w/ my marriage and my husband says its Shariah and Allah will punish me , if i say different. We are married 6yrs now we have 2 children together i live in usa he lives in uk..we have not seen eachother in almost.. More

  • Wife asking husband to provide her with Internet to contact her mother

    Assalamu alaykum. My mother and me are reverted muslimas. My husband works in islamic country, myself and my kids are going there also. My mother stays alone in non-muslim country, feeling not able to join us. I asked my husband to provide us Internet possibility there to be able to have regular contact with my mom through messengers, but he refuses,.. More

  • Her husband is a heavy smoker

    Assalamoalaikum, i have been married since last four months and after marriage i found that my husband(who happen to be my first cousin too) is involved in smoking(3 to 4 ciggrates a day) & eat tobacco too once in a day...evry time i asked him to stop it & told him that it is forbidden in islam..but he doesnt listen to me...and he said its not harmful.. More

  • Naming children with Persian names that have no Islamic origin

    I named my son Muhammad Shehzar.Then I read on a website that Persian names that have no Islamic origin should not be given to muslims. But to change his name in Mumbai, India a lot of legal hassles have to be gone through and shall have to be taken care of for the rest of his life. Is it prohibited or will it do if I let his name be Muhammad Shehzar?.. More

  • A new revert wants to use her father's first name as her surname

    Assalaamu Alaikum, I am asking this on behalf of a revert sister. Is it acceptable to use the first name of your father as your surname instead of your full family name (for example using bint Roland instead of Kilpatrick). Kilpatrick means servant of Saint Patrick and she feels uncomfortable using it. However she doesn't want to do anything unacceptable.. More

  • His pregnant ex-Jehovah's Witness wife apostated and left him

    am an egyptian muslim,met a jehovah girl in egypt and we got married after she converted to islam,after 7months she left me and she is pregnant,she return back to jehovah and to the UK,tried with her so hard about islam but she said its not in her heart.she said if i want to contact the baby after she give birth i can but she will not raise him as a.. More

  • She is not sure whether she consented to her own marriage or not

    assalamu aleykum, i was approached by a lady who wanted to know if the marriage of someone who is not sure whether she consented to marriage is valid or not. the story is that there is a girl who went to another country and stayed with a family. she satyed with them, and she just saw herself giving all her money to the family without knowing and later.. More

  • A woman riding a bicycle or a horse in public

    Assalamu alaikom, I am going to visit my mother this month. I live in Egypt and she in the states. My husbands father will travel with me just to drop me off with my mother and then he will leave. Anyhow, she has suggested that we do activities like ride bicycles, horses and go for walks or running together. Of course it will be in public.. I.. More