my husband after 1 year of marriage has lost his sex drive. now he only makes love when i ask him to, even then he makes excuses and tries to delay. i have asked him to let me do other actions so i can reduce my frustration if he is not in mood for sex, but he does not let me. in my frustration i get really angry when he does not let me come near me,.. More
My parents have received a proposal for me.The guy lives in joint family system & i wont b alowed to cover my face in front of the male family members,though they have no objection in my observation of hijab outside home(they say that at home i can wear a scarf over my ordinary clothes if i like) mom's a little upset as this is the second time.. More
Asam wr wb. I am going through mental stress about something happened 6 years ago in my life. I stayed in one of the countries in GCC and went out of that country once for 3 days continuous without disclosing to any of my friends and colleagues. Usually, my wife gets excited seeing me returning from office everyday or after a break. She loves me a lot.. More
assalam wailaikum, i m 22yr muslim, 8months back i got into phone contact with a hindu girl. we both like each other but havent seen each other.but this is wrong. she says she wants to marry me and ready to embrase islam.i cant take decision without seen her, i told her. but if we both agree can we marry? should we tell our parents? but both our parents.. More
Is it permissible for a man to have sexual intercourse with his wife in the last ten nights of Ramadhaan? Would this decrease his reward for fasting, or does it imply that one is not applying the Sunnah? Please advise. An immediate answer would be highly appreciated. May Allaah reward you... More
Assalamo alaikom, My former husband divorced me in American Court, but he hasn't divorced me islamically. I am assuming since he wanted divorce, I am islamically divorced too. And the reason he divorced because he met a woman in the internet and he was chatting with her for one year. Then he decided that is not happy with me and he will be happy with.. More
Alsalam aalaykom,
My wife has got a 5 year old child from her previous marriage. She recently lost his custody and the child has been taken by his father in Egypt.
My wife took our baby and flew to Egypt and does not intend to come back to me before she gets back the custody (if she does get it at all!!)
She basically left a whole family for her.. More
I have one cousine sister and she is married two years ago and Allah has blessed her with a daughter.From last two years her inlaws are taurturing her but she has never complained about it to any of our family members.Father in law has drinking habbit, sister in law is married but still not going to her sasural just bcoz she cant stay.. More
I have been married for over 18yrs., have 4 children, 1 entering college, 2 in highschool and 1 a 6th . My husband and I have been having some difference...becuz of his harshness toward me, not considering my feelings in making major discisions which affect all of the family. I have followed my husbands will so far. Recently ..we moved with him, then.. More
Assalaamu alaikum, Thank you for taking the time, this is very important to me. I am a revert to Islam, for 4 years now. When I first became muslim and told my family they freaked. I had to run away, I met a brother in Islam through the internet and he agreed to help to me. We married islamicly so I could stay in his apartment and it be halal. But this.. More
As-salaam waleh kum i have a question in my mind pls. help me regarding i got married in 2000 i have two kids but my wife never like me at all & since 7 month she had a affair with a men who are married.they both are had intercorce so many times as well as my wife had sex with me also but since 4 month she don't allow me to do any physical now. i just.. More
I have a question conserning making hijra. I am a revert and want to make hijra to Libië with another sister. First we want to go Egypt and stay there for a few months before going to Libië. Is that permissible because we don't have a mahram. Does the waiting periode conclude making hijra or not. Or is it impremissible because we're going to travel.. More
Im first wife of my husband and i know he can not have children,he told me about this before merryd,its also confirmed by doctors.He got merry second time but he didnt inform her that he can not have children.I feel in some way quilty that i am aware of my situation and she doesnt know anything and have hope that he will give her children.I feel sorry.. More
Bismillah rahmane rahima Im a mother of 2 kids with rénale tubullaire acidose. My son is almost 5 years and my daughter is one year. But the fonction normally you cannot see that they're sick. They are like other kids but they have to take only medecine forever. I have also the same desease as my kids and my brother to. We have to take medecine all.. More
hello im a muslim of uk but have been married to a pakistani since 18 years who has all his life has given made me a mental paticent because of his bad attitude.he has made my kids against me and my mother wants me to leave him and return to uk. my kids are also starting to irritate me just like he did. i have become very sensitive and ill. what.. More