I live in Austria and the lady whom I want to marry lives in Morocco. Her family and mine agreed to this. I will visit them next summer as I am working at the moment. So, is it permissible for me to get engaged by correspondence until our next appointment?.. More
I have a sister who few years back ran away. We sent her to India as we were worried about her relation to a Pakistani boy here whom she claimed that she was in love with. We knew of their love affair and as we thought it was better to keep her away we sent her to India. During her this stay in India she eloped and married my cousin who then was already.. More
I am working abroad in Saudi Arabia, Inshaa Allaah soon I will be on vacation to my home. In my relatives I want to marry a girl and I propose her and she replied if her parents reject this proposal it will hurt relations between our families and I want to tell my mother about this matter but I could not tell my mother. I have no dare to tell this matter.. More
I am 24 years girl going to marry soon just wanted to let you ask that what should I do if I know that my would be husband is suffering in Thalassemia? I know since his childhood he is suffering in Thalassemia. So what are the cure I should do? Is there anything harm to get marry with the man who has Thalassemia? Or is it ok to get marry without any.. More
May Allaah forgive me, I have committed an act of Zina with a Muslim girlfriend which has led to her falling pregnant, I would like to know what steps I have to take in order to gain forgiveness from Allaah saw. Will I be able to marry her as our intention was to get married Inshaa Allaah before this had happened? Would we have to get married.. More
I was said that it is Haraam to say: We will have just two (three, four, five, etc.) children Inshaa' Allaah. Is it? We thought, that saying Inshaa' Allaah means, that we -in the end- trust in Allaah decisions, but we were said it is like asking Allaah just for two (three, four) children and it is Haraam because it means we don't want to have more than.. More
One of my married friends is out to Gulf since last 3 years without his wife and 2 children due to a sound financial reason. He now recently visited to his place and surprised to know that his wife having some sort of illegal relationship with one other man at his place. he is not 100% sure that his wife had any physical relationship with other man.. More
I am having a problem regarding Haram money, my husband works for an organization, the people of that organization have forced my husband without his will to work as a satellite dish fixer, he has to attend to their needs by providing them with T.V channels (music, dramas, films, sports, news, etc.). He wants to leave this job but is afraid that.. More
For my case, I love my parents very much and I'm suffering too much of hearing my wife insulting them!! I feel like I'm a bad son, I couldn't defend my parents, I threatened her several times of divorce but she's not believing that I can divorce her and she's keeping on her behaviour and making me suffering because of my relationship with my parents!.. More
I am a Sunni Muslim female. There is a man who asked for my hand who is a Muslim also, says La Ilaaha Illa Allaah wa Ana Muhammad Rasool Allaah, he reads the Quran also and has most of it memorized. No the only thing that I am concerned about is that his parents are Ismaaeeli, but he says that he does not really consider himself that way, but all he.. More
I belong to a very decent family. I married two years ago, my husband is very aggressive and very irritating in nature, he uses such an abusive language I didn't even imagine it and never heard of it. Please suggest me some Du'aa to control his anger and he becomes start to use sweet language and become a decent man. God will bless you. .. More