I need someone to answer I'm lost I meet someone on the net last 2-years and we meet we get married Islamic way with witnesses in Australia. I love him so much but he has no job when we meet he said to me he has exam to pass then will be together I wait for 2 years nothing happen he never had his exam now I'm in the USA he is in Sydney we don't.. More
I would like ask question about marriage, my relative, Al-Hamdulillaah is married 7 month ago from today I'm writing. The wife is most patient person I ever seen she does have her downs but the husband, Subhanallah is worst husband a wife can ever ask for Allaah. He is alcoholic, smoker, does come home some nights, he does not support her financially.. More
Assalaamu Alaykum to everyone on this very interesting site, I just saw that I can enter a question on the right hand side of the page, so I was wandering if you can tell me how 2 or 3 or 4 wives who are married to the same man are treating each other according to the Quran and Sunnah so they can earn Jannah Inshaa' Allaah, all together, so what's the.. More
I have a question about wearing the Hijaab at school. I'm a 17-year-old girl attending grammar school in Germany. I want to start wearing the Hijaab now and it wouldn't be a big problem but what worries me is the PE lessons at school. I have to do PE with the boys together (there are only mixed schools here) but I surely wouldn't be able to.. More
Why the Muslim woman must pray every time with a low voice, while the Muslim man can pray in aloud voice during some prayers like Aa'ishah for example. .. More
Last year around July I phoned my mother in Bangladesh and told her about this Pakistani sister that I know, who I think is very attractive, educated, who is most importantly practicing to be a better Muslim. My mum showed a bit of interest and told me to come to Bangladesh for a holiday. I went Bangladesh knowing that there might be a chance my parents.. More
What is the status of a Mahr (dowry) given by a groom to a bride when years later the bride, when asked, says she thought that was a gift and not Mahr? .. More
I am raising up a kid now 11 years old coming from a poor uneducated family. He's clever and I moved him a year ago to a very good school. The problem is that he's not integrated among his friends at school and they always make fun of him that he comes from a poor family. This is affecting his concentration on his studies and his grades are not good.. More
The time of Iddah went out and my well was to return my wife back, but she didn't want. Do I consider that I've returned her back just because of my "Neyyat" was to take her back before Iddah time went out? We have had intercourse just few days after Iddah time expired. .. More
I am in a huge dilemma and going through very bad times. I need advice. 2 years ago, I got secretly married to someone who I loved without my parents' knowledge. My husband gave me so much love and care that I felt like the luckiest woman on Earth. However, my husband had cheated on his previous girlfriend to be with me. But after marrying me, he.. More
Al-hamdulillaah, I converted to Islam about 5 yrs ago. I do not wear Hijaab yet, although I experimented with it last year for about a month. During this month, I received too much attention: from men, from women, from co-workers, from strangers. Everyone had comments, good and bad, mostly good or just curious. This made me extremely uncomfortable... More
I am married to a Muslim and have children. My main problem is that my husband is really unable to perform sexually unless we talk about other women or describe some sexual scenes while talking. I always feel very guilty doing this and have done Tawbah many times. I have tried many times to avoid this but I always go back after a while because I feel.. More
I have two questions according to Sharee'ah what will be the answer of these:
1) Is it permissible to marry with the husband of a late sister of father?
2) What Sharee'ah says about marrying with son's mother in-law?.. More
I have been married to a Muslim man for the past fifteen years. He pre-fers to live without me in a separate house. He says that he loves me, yet he thinks that it is better that each one of us lives separately. Sometimes I feel that he feels ashamed for being attached to me or that he fears to pre-sent me to his children. What is your advice? .. More
My husband divorced me over the phone one year ago from another country one year ago and until today he didn't process the paper work for the divorce. He visited his daughter here in England few times and I asked for this papers and his answer always he doesn't have time or the routine in his country is very slow? I'm 37 years old and I want to.. More