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Assalamualikum Alikum Warehmatullahi Wabarakatahu,Kindly let me know had any Muffaser of Quran mentioned that it was Lion (not dog) that was present with Ashaab i Kahf in Surah Kahf of Al-Quran.
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Who are As-haabul Hijr - Referring to Qaum Thamud, why were they given that name?As-haabul Hijr.
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Assalamoaliakum, sir pls I am having extreme trouble. Please help me. I read one Hadith that don't say anything bad to wind ( air). Now I am having confusion is it Allah ( May Allah forgive me). Is air the creation of Allah? Should I consider air the creation of Allah just like time? Pls let me know.
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Salam alaykom, this has been bothering alot me for a long time, please help. If there was indeed 10 generations between Adam and Noah as the ahaadith says and considering that all the people on earth got wiped out during the flood - except a few. This would mean that all those people on earth from the time of Adam til Noah lived in the exact same town.. More
According to Islam, did God slay the firstborn children of the Egyptiansduring the plague of Egypt? I know that Jewish/Christian sources say this, but is this true according to Islam?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I was just wondering; in chapter 56 of the Quran, it talks about the foremost and right hand, and my question is about the foremost; it says that there are more in the early generation than in the late, so does that mean that there will not be more than one hundred thousand people in that category because that was the population back.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. There is something which I have been trying really hard to understand for years now; it is regarding the order of creation. I have seen the fatwas here say that the Earth was created, then the seven Heavens, and then the Earth was spread and everything within the Earth was created, including the mountains... More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykhs. Is it true that Fir‘awn(Pharaoh) did not get sick for a very long period or throughout his life? And if it is true, was it a reason for him to say that he was God? May Allah curse him; Aameen. May Allah reward you, Shaykhs.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I was just wondering; did the people of Shu‘ayb build homes in or from mountains like Thamood? The Quran says that they were destroyed in the same way.
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Assalaamu alaykum. How many times are the words 'male' and 'female' mentioned in the Noble Quran? I heard that it is 23 times, and someone else said 24 times; which is it? May Allah reward you. Wassalaam.
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Who was "Daqyanus", claimed by scholars to be the king in the era of Ashab Al-Kahf (the people of the cave), who are often cited in Islamic history books?
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Has Allah described the characteristics of the husband in the Quran?
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What does it mean when we say that a person has returned to Allah when he dies?
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Which type of people will lose both the Dunya (the worldly life)and the Aakhirah(the Hereafter)?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Does 7:74, where it says that Thamood were the loins of the people of ‘Aad, mean that they were there descendents, or just that they were their successors?
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