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Asalamulakium rahmitAllah wa Barakatuh, id like to know kindly, am I sinning if I refuse to meet with proposals from men who have a wife already because of the hadith (there will be fitna on the earth if a good person comes along for marriage and he is refused.) Does that count in refusing a proposal because i may not handle bring a second wife? I.. More
RAIN AGAINST WHICH HOUSES OF BRICK CANNOT OFFER ANY PROTECTION Abu Hurairah ( ra ) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah ( pbuh ) said , " The Hour will not begin until rain comes down from the sky against which houses of brick will not offer any protection ; nothing will offer any protection against it except houses made of [ camel ] hair . " Al Fitan.. More
Ibn ‘Abb?s (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The Rahim (kinship ties) is hanging on to the Hujzah of The Most Merciful; He maintains ties with whoever maintains it (the Rahim) and severs ties with whoever severs it." (Ahmad, ibn Abi 'Asim, as-Silsilat as-Saheehah). Can you.. More
Can you mention the hadiths that are dhaif or maudhu about the end of time, because I am confused about which one is strong and which is dhaif or maudhu?
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I have a question on hadith grades. If a hadith from a primary source of Hadith appears in another book with a different wording, and the author gives the hadith a particular grade, does this grade apply to the words found in the primary source as well? For example, this hadith from Musnad Ahmad (primary source): Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with.. More
1- What is the definition of Aahaad Hadeeth?
2- What is the ruling of adopting Aahaad Hadeeths as evidence and establishing rulings based on them?
3- What is the ruling of someone who denies the Sunnah with the pretext that the Quran is sufficient?
4- Please provide examples of Aahaad Hadeeths. .. More
I know someone who does not believe in any Hadeeth that he doesn't understand or that seems to contradict the Qur'an even if they are Saheeh. Like the Hadeeth of Sulaymaan sleeping with 90 wives in one night, etc.
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First, let me thank you for this excellent site and especially the recitation page. For some time, I have been interested in the origins and authenticity of the Hadith. Ihave cometo the conclusion that there are some Ahadith quoted in Saheeh Muslimand Saheeh Bukharithat cannot be attributed to the Prophet since they contradict what is now.. More
I have a friend who has an innovator living with him who says Sahih Bukhari is wrong. How can I prove its authenticity?.. More
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