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Assalam o alakumMy question is what are the conceptual foundation of Islam ?And What are the practical foundation of Islam ? Plz me answer in brief as soon as possible
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Why is the "manhaj of the salaf" or imitating the salaf in one's approach to Islam the correct form of Islam? I come from a sufi background, and was following what is known in Turkish literally as a "jamaat" (cemaat in turkish), but they do not believe in grave worship. however, they believed in many things which I found inconsistent and i liked the.. More
Is it permissible for a layman (who does not know Arabic) to do Taqleed (blind following) of a scholar with regards to Aqeedah (creed) (like where Allaah is, whether Allaah has hands/feet, and so on)?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Is this hadith authentic, and what does it mean if it is? "The later generation of Muslims will have a better understanding of Islam than the first."
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What are the foundations of Islam upon which the Companions, the Taabi‘is and the Muslim scholars agree?.. More
Is the Salafi school considered a valid Islamic school of thought?
Why do those who call themselves Salafis not care about Muslims' affairs, like the case of Palestine? .. More
The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (may Allaah exalt his mention), said that his Ummah (Muslim nation) would be fragmented into seventy-three sects. All of them would be in Hell except for one. The Companions, may Allaah be pleased with them, asked him which sect that would be and he replied that it was the one that would follow him and.. More
Contemplating the current situation of the Muslims, you find that they have diverged into different sects and parties and each one is pleased with his own way. This one is Salafi, another is Sufi, a third belongs to the Tableeghi Jamaa`ah, and others fight the rest. Therefore, the Muslim finds himself very confused. If he joins the Salafis, the Sufis.. More
What is the Quranic evidence for the soundness of the methodology of Salafiyyah? .. More
I want to know what is the methodology of the Righteous Predecessors? What are the books that could help me understand them? Were the Salaf considered one of the movements that claim to adopt the true Islam? What are their schools of Fiqh?.. More
Assalamu Alaykom, Were the prophets that were sent to the people of Israel (the jews) between the advent of Moses PBUH and Esa PBUH given any holy book beside the Torah? Or did they just rule using the laws of the Torah? Thank you.. More
Why do we follow the righteous predecessors? Please explain... More
I would like to ask about the Injeel of Christian, how did it come down to Prophet 'Eesaa? By Jibreel, or how? .. More
I have a hard time understanding Tawheed (Uluhiya), Tawheed (Rububiya), And Tawheed (Asma wa Sifat). Please explain it to us.
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What is al-Salafia and is true belief in Islam?.. More
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