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Allaah The Almighty Has Described the angels in the Noble Quran Saying that they have two, three or four wings while the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, describing Jibreel (Gabriel), that he has six hundred wings. How can we reconcile these two descriptions?.. More
when and where did prophet muhammed(pbuh) see jibreel in his real form.. More
Are there angels who read the Quran or is the Quran for people on earth only? Why are the layers of the atmosphere: one cold and one hot? Why are not all of them either cold or hot?.. More
I know that during the eve of the fifteenth of Sha‘baan, Allaah The Almighty names for the Angel of Death the souls he is required to take during the following year. How can the Angel of Death seize so many souls at the same moment? Does he have assistants? .. More
Do angels die?.. More
1-Mention three of our beliefs in the angels
2-No one will be barred from paradise except those who declined to enter it
(Provide evidence)
3-What is permissible to use in purification after relieving one self and what number of wipes and is it ok to use baby wipes and do we have to use Water.. More
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