Does a good vision differ from a prophecy in that it may happen? Do innate questions lead to disbelief? .. More
Narrating the stories of the prophets, Hoode (Hud), Saalih (Salih) and Nooh (Noah), may Allaah exalt their mention, in Soorat Al-A‘raaf, Allaah The Almighty says that they commanded their people to worship Allaah alone. However, in the case of Prophet Loot (Lot), may Allaah exalt his mention, Allaah The Almighty does not mention that he commanded.. More
How did Zakariyya (Zachariah) and Yahya (John), may Allaah exalt their mention, die?.. More
Assalaamu 'Alaykum, After reading and contemplating, I came to realize two matters but failed with a third concerning which I need your help. 1- I learned that all occurrences and laws until now lead us to the existence of a wise Creator. 2- I learned that everything until now leads us to the truthfulness of Muhammad as a Messenger. 3- How can.. More
Why can’t women and angels be prophets? .. More
Is it obligatory upon the Christian who follows a sound religion (meaning that he knows that Muhammad and ‘Eesaa (Jesus) are messengers of Allaah) to follow the Islamic Sharee‘ah because anyone who follows any religion other than Islam it is not accepted from him?.. More
Will Ahl Al-Kitaab (People of the Book) enter Paradise? .. More
How many Prophets and Messengers were there in all? Is there a Hadeeth that indicates their number?.. More
As-salam `alaykum wa ra7mat ALLAH wa barakatuh. Here's a question from a sister: "i need to know when is som1 a Muslim in the eyes of Allah swt there's a sister that grew up thinking she was a Muslim because she could read the Quran, believed in Allah, angels, past prophets, aakhirah but she didn't know about Muhammad (saw). She could only recite Quran.. More
Alsalamu Alaykom, Ther are around 315 messengers according to a hadith. 1- Was every messenger (rasul) sent with a holy book? What is the time when the first holy book was sent down? 2-Can a certain period of time have two different shari'as to two separate group of people? Thank you .. More
Was our father Aadam (Adam), may Allaah exalt his mention, a Prophet or a Messenger? .. More
Alsalamu alaykom, Prophets and messengers of God usually give their people a message about the advent of another messenger or prophet following them. Like for instance, Moses PBUH told the jews that Esa PBUH will be sent by God. Does this rule apply to all prophets? Can a prophet be sent without having a previous mention about him? Thank you.. More
Did Prophet Yunus have any sons and if so what where their names... More
Alsalamu Alaykom, It is known that each prophet was sent to his people except prophet Mohammed PBUH. Is it possible to have more than one prophet sent at a particular time. If this is the case, are the people following one prophet required to follow the teachings of the other prophet if they meet each other(during the same period of time)? Thank you.. More
Where are the tablets of the prophet Moosaa, may Allaah exalt his mention? .. More
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