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Assalamu Alaikum.What is the status of the belongings of our beloved prophet Muhammad
. I mean what is the respect we should have for example for the Mushaf he owned or even everyday things like his armor ,clothes , sword and Turban.. More
Asalamu ‘Alaykum. I’ve always been told that depicting the prophets (peace be upon them) or the Sahaba (may ALLAH n’es pleased with them) is haram, but I was unable to find any ayah or Hadith to support this. Is there anything in the Quran or sunnah that can be used as evidence to suggest depicting them is haram? Jazakum allahu khayran.
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Does someone become a kafir if they stated the prophet peace be upon him was a kafir before receiving the revelation even though this might have happened out of ignorance and not in a means of being disrespectful.
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Salam. I am a bit confused. I read fatwas about Maryam and her parents and I still don't know if Maryam, the mother of Isa, was the actual daughter of Aaron or his actual sister? And who was Imram and Harun? Is it true that Maryam had a half-brother? How many siblings did she have? What was their names? Please provide clear evidences.
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What was the mission of our Prophet Muhammad (phub) and in what way was it different than the mission of other prophets of Allah (swt)?
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Has Arabia received a warner before Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam? Was Ishmael, their forefather, not a Warner? The following verses declare that the Arabs never received a Warner (what means): {That you may warn a people whose forefathers were not warned, so they are unaware.} [Quran 38:6]
However, the below verses testify to.. More
What is a ruling on a person who thinks that there will be another prophet after Judgement Day, when Allaah supposedly would create a new Earth? Quran 14:48 and 50:15
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Is it true that Allaah named all the prophets; like, no man was named Muhammad before Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, orAbraham before Abraham, may Allaah exalt his mention, and Noah Before Noah, may Allaah exalt his mention? Is that true? Please tell me what the meaning is of all the Prophets' names?
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Once my friend was discussing the creed of the Christians with his father. Then he said, while he was angry, do you believe that their religion and Prophet are really true? He regretted saying such words in the same gathering. Then, he said to his father that he meant that he [‘Eesa (Jesus)] is not the seal of the prophets and not the prophet that.. More
We all know that Allaah The Almighty Sent His Messengers, May Allaah Exalt their mention, to guide people and bring them out from darkness to the light. Allaah The Almighty Sent a messenger to every nation. My question is: What is the wisdom behind sending two or more prophets in the same period of time such as Daawood (David) and Sulaymaan (Solomon),.. More
We always hear that there are religions; not just a single religion. What is your answer to this, knowing that the Quran refers to one sole religion when it mentions former and latter peoples, which is Islam? .. More
We know that Az-Zaboor (the book of Psalms) is a heavenly book but
1- Who is the prophet to whom it was revealed?
2- What is the nation to whom this prophet and book were sent? .. More
To which people was Shu‘ayb, may Allaah exalt his mention, sent?.. More
if all humans all equal, then isn't it unfair that Allah choose some humans to be His messengers / prophets & not others. Isn't it unfair to me. After all, I am also His slave. so why don't I deserve such honor & privilege,.. More
Did Allaah The Almighty send female messengers? How would you explain the fact that angels talked to Maryam (Mary), may Allaah exalt her mention?.. More
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