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Assalaamu alaykum Brother. I was just wondering, if Allaah created us to test us, then why are children not tested? Why does God let them die young and does He not let them live to test them because it does not make any sense? Or is it possible that some humans did not accept the test, like the animals and angels? Is that a possibility, that some humans.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding the faith of the children of the disbelievers. There is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars. Some scholars believe that they will end up in hell while some believe that they will be tested. The belief that they will be tested seems to be the most correct. Is it right to regard the first opinion.. More
Assaalaamu Alaikum, Thanks for taking time to research an answer. I sent the following question(2499465): "Will a person that have no contact with Muslims or knowledge of Islam received the same punishment as a non believer in the grave?" You answer with the following Fataawa: A test on the Day of Judgment for whoever did not receive the message of.. More
As-salaamu 3laikum, My question is about surat at-Tawbah ayat 113. In the interpretation of the meaning of the last part it says 'after it has become clear to them that they are companions of Hellfire'. I would like to know if we have to be with them at the moment they die or hear the testimony of a witness who was with them when they died in order.. More
Assalam Alaikum My question is about the non-muslims which they are non-fighters who died and they know nothing about Islam or Islam didnt reach them or they heard about the distorted Islam like in the media can we pray for them? to be in the paradise, we ask Allah to have mercy and forgiveness on them or we pray that Allah make them pass their test.. More
Did the Red Indians follow a heavenly religion or were they pagans? What is the meaning of the Quranic verse in which Allaah the Almighty Said (what means): {And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.} [Quran 17:15]? .. More
Why does Allaah the Almighty punish a Christian child who dies without embracing Islam? Will you please clarify this point for me, because it worries me, and makes me doubtful and at a loss?.. More
What was happening in other parts of the world at the time of Prophet e.g. present day South Africa, Fiji etc,
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What is the fate of those who heard about Islam but knew nothing about it?
What is the fate of the Christians who did only good deeds in the worldly life, and the Jews who believe in one God? .. More
What is the ruling of the person who dies before receiving the call to Islam?.. More
Can we confirm that the child who dies before the age of puberty will enter Paradise? .. More
Is it true that deceased Muslim children become birds in Paradise? Please explain and provide proof. .. More
What is the destiny of disbelievers' children who die at the ages of 14, 15 or 16? Will they be considered disbelievers or are they too young to be accountable for leaving Islam?.. More
What is the destiny of people who died before receiving the Message of Allaah?
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As we heard that Allah sent many prophet to the world, which most of them were sent to their people but the Holy Prophet was sent to the whole world. Looking the world today, we have more 500, 000 tribes and the prophet sents were not up to 500,000 but during the time that these prophets were sent, how did all the tribes worship Allah even when most.. More
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