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Assalamualaikum sheikh.I saw a video of famous dai(Ahmed deedat)who share a story of christian man and sheikh debating.The sheikh made a point that Allah cry(naudzubillah)because he cant save his own son to the chrostian missionary.Ahmed deedat(May Allah have mercy on him) tell this story at his lecture and people start laughing.Is this kufr or not.
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Salam alaykom! The 125th ayah of Surah Taha says that the disbeliever will be raised blind on the Day of Judgement, but other ayaat state that the disbeliever will see clearly on the Day of Judgement, such as 14:42 and other verses. How do we reconcile and understand the verses which speak about blindness and seeing on the Day of Judgement? BaaraakAllahu.. More
Does going to non-sharia courts in the presence of sharia courts take one out of the folds of Islam if it is done out of disobedience?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I go to a college in London, and if I were to have an altercation or fight, then if two non-Muslim teachers judge and issue a ruling, for example, if they kick me out of the college, would that be counted as going to the Taghoot (anything which is worshiped, obeyed, submitted to, or followed instead of Allaah whilst consenting to.. More
We know that no law is as effective as Allaah's laws, but is it possible for a law to be as effective as God's laws in one or two particular aspects, like political stability and such? Is it true that the downfall of the Muslims was due to non-compliance with the Shariah, or were there other factors as well?
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Assalaamu alaykum Shaikh. I have read one of your fatwas regarding not ruling by what Allaah revealed. In that question, I read that there are two types of not ruling by what Allah revealed; major Kufr (disbelief) and minor Kufr. I then read in your fatwa that the first kind includes someone who legislates a law whereby he permits what is forbidden.. More
What does Islam say about capitalism?
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Assalaamu alaykum I want to make a career change, but I do not want to violate Allaah's (The Exalted) laws. I would like to know whether studying in immigration or working in the government (immigration or citizenship) is haram? The program consists of different courses: Immigration and Refugee Law, Temporary Status, Economic Class, Family Sponsorship,.. More
Assalamu alaykum. This question might be from Waswaas (devilish whisperings), but I will try to keep it simple as I suffer from Waswaas and need an urgent answer. It is well known that if you do Tahaakum to the Taaghoot (false gods), it is Kufr Akbar (major disbelief). Tahaakum means when two or more disputing parties refer their dispute to a third.. More
Is it haram to use disputes offered by companies like PayPal to dispute transactions from Muslim merchants? I bought something online, and the muslim merchant did not sent me my item. I contacted him, and they said that it was out of stock and that they would send it when it came in the same week. they still have not sent it, and when I try to contact.. More
Assalamu alaykum. I read that praising the religion of the disbelievers is disbelief. What does that mean exactly? Are the following statements included in that:1. "The idea of democracy/communism is good by itself." (Meaning if you would view this matter irrespective of islam, but because it contradicts islam, you reject it.) 2. "Judaism is a good.. More
I read a statement of Ibn Taymiyyah, and some people say that it shows that the so called marks in schools come under the same ruling. The statement is:
“And everyone who judged between [any] two people, then he is [considered] a qaadi (judge) irrespective of whether he is a person of war, or one commissioned into [any position of] office, or appointed.. More
Hello sir i heard that in islam a hadees says one must follow the law of land. Can you explain me this hadees ? My land law currently permits me to drink alcohol .. so can i do it ? or i must not do it as it contradicts islam ? What if a law of land contradicts islam like for ex : A divorce proceeding according to islam is very different from a divorce.. More
As-salaamu 3laikum, What is the ruling on asking human rights organisations for help in a legal case in a non-Muslim country in cases of necessity, when these organisations also help people who say offensive and insulting things about Islam because they believe in freedom of speech? Jazaak Allahu khair
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Asallam u Alaikum, Is it permissible for muslim to just observe a real live non muslim criminal court case online etc without taking part in it in any way. If they did would it be sinful or kufr (Allah forbid). .. More
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