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A person asked about the repentance from reviling the prophet (pbuh) to a sheikh. What is ruling for a person who thinks in his mind this person who reviled the prophet (pbuh) Kafir and then stopped immediately since he knows the issue of takfeer is big since I don't know if all the impediments where met for takfeer. Does that make me Kafir since it.. More
According to Imam Abu Hanifa (150H) said disbeliever those who attribute a place to Allah (Narrated by Ibn Abdi s-Salam and Al-Qari)Shaykh Al-Azhari said Imam Subki it is disbelief by unanimous believe that Allah is in one direction or that He sits on the ThroneSo where do asharis.. More
Please answer my question quickly sheikh, so I am taking debate class in this class they make me say the pro and cons of things like gun control or homosexuality like for example I have to make a case argument saying if homsexuality should be allowed in America and why it shouldn't be allowed , sheikh have I committed kufur I was thinking this class.. More
Will the Muslim leave the folds of Islam : 1. Indian dances are very popular and Muslims maybe dance the same dances. But their handsigns in dance are a worship. Or salsa dance which was about worshiping what they call gods. 2. Food that Chinese called food of gods (mochi food). Or a dragon roll sushi which they want to make looking like a dragon. They.. More
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ, There are a few jokes online about some rulings within the madhahib. For instance, in the Shafi’I madhab there is a minority opinion that touching one’s wife breaks the wudu, so people show pictures of a couple holding hands in front of a masjid.. More
Asalamu alaykum and hope you are well.We have pets named after superhereos. However these superhereos are based off and named after (false) gods in norse/Scandinavian mythology. are we committing shirk? Should we change the names?
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When I was 9 years old(not yet adolescent) I uttered blasphemous words for Allah SWT and His Prophet SAW in anger, but I didn't know that it would take me out of the fold of Islam and continued to practice Islam later and read the Shahadah several times but didn't repent when I reached puberty I thought that because I wasn't an adolescent I wouldn't.. More
Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. If a shia believes that the Quran has been altered, curses the companions of the Prophet because he has wasn't clarified the truth and he has weak Islamic Knowledge. In such a case is the this shia declared Kafir or it is decided by the judge? Jazakallahukhair.
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Aoa respected sheikh i want to ask is my marriage nullifies if by mistake i say kafir to my husband.ACtually i did not know that saying kafir is forbidden and did not know about ahadith i was having argument with my husband and because i misunderstand his words so i said u r kafir after this he made me aware of my mistakes and showed all ahadith and.. More
Assalamu Alaikum. My question is about if someone regards sins as being cool and boasts about doing them. Such as many of the people who boast about and think that they are cool because they commit zina and listen to music. Is the one who believes that doing these sins makes him cool and boasts about it, does this make him a kafir? And can you explain.. More
Asalamualaikum In school, there was a lesson in the Christian version of Prophet Adam and Haywards. Due to my ignorance, I didn't know that Eve was actually Haywards, and I refused to believe that story. But later I watched the real islamic version it turned out that Eve was Hawwa. Am I guilty of blasphemy?
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Salaam aleykum. My mother recently died and I was wondering if it's permissible to ask Allah to forgive her during prayer and dua or give sadaqa in her name when I've witnessed her calling to other things besides Allah on her deathbed. For example, she said "oh my mother" and "Oh Prophet Muhammad". Many people claim that because she was sick and in.. More
As salaamu alaykoum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,We know that Islam obligates us to be good to our parents. Are there exceptions to this rulling? Like when your parents are murtadeen and holding on to their Kufr that takes them out of Islam. And they don't want to change, while they claim they are muslim.. Like for example they do not pray the Salaat.. More
Asalamo aleikoum scholars. Making things that are haram halal is kufr and the opposite. And it is known amongst scholars that falling in this kind of thibgs wheether is jocking or not it does not make any difference. What about this scenario. I am sitting with a brother and then a third person comes to us to talk with us and he does not shake hands.. More
As salaam alaykum wa rahmetullaahi wa barakatu, Respected Imaam, My question is concerning my past. I was born in a non muslim country and started practising Islaam on later age. When i started also my family members started but because whe have little knowledge whe made mistakes and understood some issues very wrong. Like the issue of takfeer. In that.. More
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