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Salaam. The person who connects me with people whom i sell and buy cars from happens to be a Fasiq, because he brings in different ladies into his room. Though i haven't seen him commit zina, but i am suspecting that he is commiting zina with those ladies. I once heard him say he hit someone with a car while he was travelling one day but didn't wait.. More
How to maintain ties of kinship with kaffir family, what can you do if they constantly say kufr, and every time they say their greetings they say words of kufr in them, is it sinful if listen to them say these words and stay silent?Anytime that they call, message, speak they say these words so how can possibly keep ties?And what if grandmother is crying.. More
Assalam Alaikum, I am boy ( 21 age) from India. I have never committed zina, Drinking Alcohol, murder etc.I am unmarried and I am also keeping fast 10 days in every month and regularly pray 5 times Salah with Tahajjud ( before Fajr prayer) Salah . I am keeping fast for fear of masturbation ( major sin). If a pious and religious person will commit suicides,.. More
Is it kufr and blasphemous when one sinning like drink alcohol, watch p*rn,or listen to music during athaan (call to prayer) ?
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Assalamu alaikum. If Allah loves for His servants to obey Him, why does He will that some of His servants disobey? Is this a contradiction?
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Asalaamualaikum, my question is with regards to urges to laugh/smile. I keep coming across videos that I’m unsure if it constitutes mocking religion. An example is one where a guy calls in a talk show asking for a fatwa on if he invalidated his fast after accidentally tripping, eating a whole shawarma, an apple, and 3 liters of water, then there was.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. What is the ruling on those who say ‘Bismillaah’ (in the name of Allaah) before doing a sin or say ‘Alhamdulillaah’ (Praise be to Allah)after commiting a sin?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I was wondering; if someone loves sin in their heart and hates Allaah, like a serial killer, but he nevertheless believes in Him and agrees with everything that Allaah says while not caring about that, so he believes that halal is halal and haram is haram but does not apply that, is he a disbeliever or not?
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Assalaamu alaykum. As far as I know, regarding things that have been unanimously agreed upon to be haram as halal is Kufr (disbelief). What is the ruling on someone who does not regard a haram thing as halal but boasts about doing it in order to become reputed in his circle? For example, someone boasts about how he flirts with girls and so on; is that.. More
Assalamu alaykum. I know that supporting the disbelievers against the muslims is disbelief. But does that also apply to the private life of the muslim? For example: A Muslim does not like a certain group of muslims because of personal matters and harms them together with a group of disbelievers, or a Muslim is a member of a criminal gang together with.. More
I offer my payers regularly—praise be to Allaah for that—however, I occasionally drink alcohol. Will my prayers and good deeds not be accepted from me?
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As-salaamu 3laikum. Sometimes a person's voice may sound strange because some gas comes through his throat while he is speaking, or because there is a lot of saliva in his mouth or something similar, and some people find that funny. But what is the ruling if this happens while the person is doing dhikr or reciting the Qur'an, and the people still find.. More
Assalammualaikum the Prophet said: "Allaah said: 'I will be the opponent of three persons on the Day of Judgment: a man (i.e. a person) who gave a pledge in My Name and then acted treacherously, a man who sold a free person (as a slave) and consumed his price and a man who hired a laborer and got the full work done by him and did not pay him his wages.’”.. More
We have to follow Sharia law and we also have to follow the law of the land. Is it shirk to not commit certain sins because of the law of the land and not because of the laws that Allah has sent to us? For example, where I live you cannot watch movies illegally online, so I do not do that, but I do watch movies legally like on tv and on the internet... More
Assalaamu alaikum, Not sure this is the right section.There is a Muslim who believes but quit praying and has been involved in many major sins. Another Muslim got upset with them as they do not heed advice and calling them back to Islam and mocked them. Is the repentance for this sin to Allah swt only or to that person as well? Ok, I explain more. There.. More
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