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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Is there anything in Islam about karma, the belief that the things you do come back at you, so if I misbehave with people or cheat them, I will also suffer their pain later on. As a muslim, should I believe or disbelieve in this ideology?
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Alsalamu Alaykom, I recently listened to a utube video for a Sheikh who said that prophet Mohamed PBUH is mentioned in Hindu scriptures. How come this fact is true knowing that Hinduism is an idolatrous pagan non heavinly religion? Thank you Bassem Tannir.. More
hi, sir, hindu believe 7 lives after death and they say that is correct. but we believe in two lives, one is in earth and other after death. hindu are giving prove of 7 lives, through hypnosis you can go in past lives. please tell me if a person can go in past life through hypnosis, what we say that?.. More
I 'd like to have enough information about (reincarnation) in Islam & why is it forbidden because I 'm working in project & want to support my answer.
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