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Is it true that Allaah, the Exalted, assigned a cloud to shade Prophet Muhammad
from the heat when he was just a child and throughout his life?
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Assalaamu alaykum. What are the unique features of a Prophet? We know that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,foretold many things, but it is also said that that is also possible in the case of fortune-tellers through jinn, who can steal truths about the future, and many Prophets had performed many miracles with the help of Allaah, but it.. More
Is it true that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (may Allaah exalt his mention), was bewitched? If it is true, then how was he cured? .. More
Why was the miracle of our Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, different from those of other prophets?
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Assalaamu Alaykum, I would like you to please provide me with information about the place called Mahbas Al-Jinn, which is found at the entrance to the sacred precincts of Makkah where the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, met with the Jinn... More
I want to ask about people who make Hadeeths from themselves in order to attract people's attention as big orators. A so-called scholar was narrating a Hadeeth in which the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was talking with a lion and a deer. Please guide me if such kinds of narrations do exist. .. More
I want to know if these Hadeeths are sound, weak or fabricated:
1-"al-khalqu iyalullah"
2-In the era of Rasulallah (saw) a hyena came to a man with his goats a took one of the goats, and (the hyena) said that it was Rizq from Allah. Then the hyena started telling the man that there is a man who is Rasul (Messenger of Allaah) in Madina. The man was.. More
How do Muslims know that Prophet Muhammad was a genuine prophet of Allaah?.. More
This is regarding the miracles owned by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessing be upon). How can we explain to non-Muslims that it was not a magic and it was something that Allaah wanted? Could you please tell me some Ayahs from the Quran which says that Allaah caused the Prophet (Peace and blessing be upon) to do the miracles, also some good book.. More
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