I am a British citizen and a revert to Islam. All my three children and I have British passports. My husband is planning to make the Hijrah with us to his homeland in Morocco. He himself is planning to drive back and forth to Britain for business purposes only buying and selling trade. Without a British passport he must always have to apply for visas... More
I'm a newly married person (1 year marriage). I was living in an apartment, but my wife was not satisfied at all with it. She suffered a lot from this apartment as she saw a lot of horrible things, and she was hearing people talking to her, threatening that they will harm her, or will let me divorce her. She was even suffering hallucinations.I have.. More
With reference to the Fatwa: 14640 about magic, I would like to ask whether the given Ayahs and Surahs can be recited over water and be given to the person to drink rather than be poured over the head? I would also like to know how many times should I recite these Ayahs and how many times will I have to give the bewitched person this water to drink.. More
I just got into a discussion with a friend who said that in Islam, we do not believe that death is preordained. The time of death is not fixed and depends on the choices we make. Furthermore he added that prayers (Du'a) can increase or decrease persons lifespan, that is if you ask for a longer life God will grant it and if you ask for a quick death.. More
I would like to know what happens if a Muslim does commit Shirk intentionally or unintentionally. What does the Ayah of the Qur'an mean God will never forgive the sin of associating Him with other gods? Does this mean that God will never forgive after death if a person has done Shirk or does it mean that Shirk has no repentance at all?
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Who was the first Prophet after Adam (Alaihi As-Salaam)?While praying Qur'an if I clean the pamper and wash the stool can I pray Salah without ablution?.. More
I had a boy friend with whom I was very sincere and honest, we worked in the same company with another girl who live with me in the same apartment. We were all as a group who loves each other and sympathize together; when I came this time from home, he told me that he had difficulties to sleep and he felt not normal so he went to some one who works.. More
If a person believes in God and that Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is His Prophet, but this person does not believe that some orders which are written in the Qur'an came from Allah, can he be considered Muslim?.. More