Hello.I comitted a lots of shirk and kufr and blasphemies, that you never imagine of, and i cannot remembre them all of. perhaps worst than pharaoh, i cannot say thAT, Allah knows.Can i be forgiven?
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Salaam Ulikum,I'm a student and Im applying to various universities, I've came across one with a really nice program that will suit my future career. The only problem is that the university is catholic and in order to attend it I have to take two classes that involves bible and catholic studies. I tried looking around some scholars said it's fine if.. More
Assalam Alikum. It is said that a miscarried baby would pull its mother to jannah. however if the mother is a nonmuslim,would the miscarried baby still pull its mother to jannah?
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If a book of fiqh or a jurist cites a narration of a companion or tabi without a chain of narration do we consider to be authentic and believe it to be true or is it treated as weak hadiths as we must not believe for certain it is true?
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I am a secondary school teacher in London. One of the main problems teachers face in student misbehaviour. One of my lecturers has advices me to give raffle tickets to students who are behaving well and following instructions and at different intervals in the lesson I call out a number so they can choose a price from a box. The box contains small items.. More
Is it permissible to recite the 99 names of Allah altogether once daily as a form of praising Allah apart from calling out specific names of Allah while making dua?
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Salam alaykom! The 125th ayah of Surah Taha says that the disbeliever will be raised blind on the Day of Judgement, but other ayaat state that the disbeliever will see clearly on the Day of Judgement, such as 14:42 and other verses. How do we reconcile and understand the verses which speak about blindness and seeing on the Day of Judgement? BaaraakAllahu.. More
Assalam o alakumMy question is what are the conceptual foundation of Islam ?And What are the practical foundation of Islam ? Plz me answer in brief as soon as possible
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Salam alykum, there is a difference of opinion on the symbols on what is found on some abaya that are sold some which seem to be like the symbol of the cross, the sister is saying that it does not symbolise the cross because the pattern is slightly apart , I have a pic of it is there anyway of sending it to you so that you may see it your self and give.. More
Assalamu AlaykumI urge you to answer my questions as soon as possible.Judgment when a Muslim is called or hukum as a Kafir Munafik Shaitan? Will people who call or hukum lose their religion?
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just have a question about that does not liking or loving Hoor Alyn, make a women a disbeliever even if she is convinced that Allah knows best, but she just can't love Hoor Alyn ? Also, just with that if a woman desires to spend few hours everyday with her husband, would that be reduced because of Hooris ? So does the presence of Hoor Alyn means that.. More
AssalamuAlaikum my question is regarding some people who do treatment for magic evil eye etc .How do these people know what has affected us?some of these people get know magic was done long back .how do they know that?they say about our personal life which is true even when we dont tell them like one such person told a woman that there is a man behind.. More
A person asked about the repentance from reviling the prophet (pbuh) to a sheikh. What is ruling for a person who thinks in his mind this person who reviled the prophet (pbuh) Kafir and then stopped immediately since he knows the issue of takfeer is big since I don't know if all the impediments where met for takfeer. Does that make me Kafir since it.. More
I sleep in my grandmothers room becouse her husband died recently she says kufr things like may Allah and prophet ? protect you or may dastgeer protect you(sufi saint)can I sleep there is this approving of her apostasy my mother insists me to sleep there
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In hanafi fiqh they say marraige is terminated immediately if someone commits kufr. Can a layman from hanafi background follow the opinion on islamweb that if he repents before wife’s iddah his marraige is intact especially that he feels islamweb is trustworthy. The person is not sure if he committed kufr or not. Kindly give direct answer and not.. More