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Hello, I have this issue and I really need an answer. I do wudu with socks and I make sure to dry my feet after doing wudu and wearing the socks. But sometimes I still feel wetness. So is it permissible if I put my hands in my socks to make sure my feet is dry without taking off the socks? Specially if my ablution broke? Or would it invalidate my whole.. More
I’m having difficulty making wudhu and ghusl because of the obligation to rub if has applied creams. Is it obligatory to rub the skin if one has used shampoo/soaps? Would it still be obligatory if one uses water solluble moisturizers, or washes off the moisturizer with water before making wudhu? If you could, please give me practical steps to follow.. More
I usually wash my hands to the elbows when rubbing my arms in Wudu however I sometimes miss out the finger tips is my wudu valid
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Assalaamu 'Alaykum. Fatwa 177311 is about using new water for wiping the head in wudhu. I don't use new water and just use the leftover water from washing my arms. Is the position regarding the permissibility of not using new water strong enough, or should i make up past prayers? If I don't use new water, can i wipe the ears without new water or would.. More
It is necessary to remove mucus of nose in wudu and ghusul
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Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh. Dear Shaikh, I want to ask. During wudoo, is scooping water with hand with one scoop, then pushing the water to each body part surface that is need to be washed in wudoo, with the one scoop, is counted as washing (الغسل) and is not counted as wiping (المسح)?Jazaakumullahu khoyroo
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Assalaamu ‘alaykum dear scholars,My hairline at the back of my head is not straight, some parts reach all the way to the nape. When wiping the head, is it correct to wipe over these hairs as well?
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Can a person say bismillah in the middle of wudu,if he fails to say at the start,according to the opinion of some scholars that it is a must?
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Assalamu ‘alaykum dear scholars,Is it obligatory to wash the hair that grows above the sideburns when washing the face? Please note that I am talking about the hair that grows within the borders of the face (ear to ear). Please explain in detail what should be exactly washed of the face. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala reward you.
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Due to my ignorance or misunderstanding, every time that I thought I had a barrier to wuzu on my skin, I thought that as long as my skin was wet still from wuzu I could still clean that part again. But I did not understand that I would have to wash the remaining limbs again in order. I simply washed the limb that required washing and that was it. What.. More
I want to know some kind of clay like dirt is comes out after scratching my back part of the shoulder and even from front which is stomach area but this dirt is not actually a dirt after observing so many day it is something that come naturally due some skin promblem. so this act as a barrier to the skin to reach water during ghusl.Note that it is not.. More
I have diabetes and I wear insulin pump, (which is a machine that is connected to the body via a pipe much like an IV, and it automatically delivers insulin to the body all day long and keeps the blood sugar stable) and a continuous glucose monitor, (which is a small sensor also connected to the body which continuously monitors the blood sugar levels)... More
Assalam Alaikum
I posted this question not too long ago but I was referred to other fatwas that do not give my a proper answer.
I would like a full response to my questions if possible.
My question is about the proper way of washing the face and the head in wudu. When washing the face in wudu am I supposed to wash the hair that is next to my forehead.. More
Salam aleikum wa rahmatu Llahi wa barakatu. After I did my wudu I find sometimes the presence of dust or small amount of dirt on the limbs or nails, is my wudu valid?
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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
I wanted to ask as I am seeing different things on the issue, regarding wudu, when washing the hands, how is the method of washing the hands during wudu done?
One place I read we wash the right hand three times first, then the left hand three times. Another one told me I can wash them both at the same.. More
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