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Assalam aleykum, If I have some issues with a sprained ankle/finger, can I use tape and do wudoo over it? even though it the tape is removable I would have to remove it for every salah and it takes time. Jazakumullahukhayran
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Salam, I am a 25 year old Muslim and I have been wanting to know on how to perform Ghusl. Is it possible to A) just take a shower only with the intention that its for ghusl and that I am cleansing myself from major and minor impurities for the sake of Allah or B) take a full shower and then do the sunnah steps after the shower.Shukran for the time to.. More
Can we fast if we have not performed ghusal after periods or if you have performed ghusal but observe brownish discharge .. can I repeat ghusal before prayer and complete my fast.
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Do we have to Tashahhud (we say I bear witness that there is no God except Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger) after the ritual ablution or any other ablution? Is Ghusl valid without saying the tashahhud?May Allah reward you.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu,If I found a substance on skin that prevents water from direct contact with skin after major ceremonial washing (Gusl Al-Janaabah), Should I remove this substance and rewash underneath it with the intention of resuming major ceremonial washing (Gusl Al-Janaabah), then doing wudu again and repeating prayers.. More
Salam alaikum I have a question, I have read that it’s not premissible to verbally say niyah before praying, the question is: Does Ghusl even count if you say niyah in your head, such as, My intention is to perform ghusl. And can you please give proof of this! JazakAllah Khair
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Salam. Is it necessary to ensure that there is no mani coming out from me if I want to start ghusl? If it is required to ensure that there is no more mani coming out, how many minutes will I wait before performing ghusl? Jazakallahu Khairan
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I have diabetes and I wear insulin pump, (which is a machine that is connected to the body via a pipe much like an IV, and it automatically delivers insulin to the body all day long and keeps the blood sugar stable) and a continuous glucose monitor, (which is a small sensor also connected to the body which continuously monitors the blood sugar levels)... More
Assalmo alaikum
I got my menstrual blood for 7 days then from 8th day to 12th day i see yellowish discharge then after a few days this discharge turns into greenish discharge. Is this greenish discharge pure/impure? Do i need to repeat my wudu? I just stopped taking contraceptive pills according to my doctor it is due to hormonal changes? It is very.. More
My question is about ghusl, and cleaning oneself from impurities. I suffer from whispers but this problem is not about whispers. when I do ghusl (takes an hour without listening to waswasa) and clean myself from impurities that splash on me (almost daily takes 15-30 minutes after the toilet - I am 100% certain the impurity went there) I only wash each.. More
Is ghusl valid if one enters into a large body of still (not running/moving) water? If yes, then how big does it have to be and how long must one stay under the water?
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If I say "Bismillaah" at the beginning of fard ghusl, should I say it again when making wudhoo' (in the ghusl)? According to the view that saying the basmalah is obligatory.
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After The Ghusl I Saw Little Bit Of Glue(Gum) On My Hand.Shoud I Want To Repeat The GhusljQuery1110038463271869007665_1545898823495?
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If one forgots to wash his private parts as is required after emission of maniy (emission after sexual intercourse with one's wife, or from a wet dream), and then performs wudu and then showers his whole body to remove the state of major Impurity he is in, can he pray although he forgot to wash his private parts before wudu? I am guessing that the showering.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding glue and Ghusl (ritual shower). I went to the hospital due to my heart condition, and they left a machine on my body for 3 days. It has left glue on my body that is not coming off unless I rub it hard, to the point that the skin starts bleeding. I would like to know whether my Ghusl is valid, because it.. More
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